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Plainfield Township Supervisor Facing 6 Count Federal Indictment Alleging Theft of Approximatly $1,380,769.90

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On January 20, 2021

Will Co. (ECWd) –

Update: Corrected to eliminate reference to “A Fractional CFO” as the alleged “Company A”.

The Plainfield Township Supervisor Anthoney Fremarek is facing a 6 count Federal Indictment.  According to the indictment docket, Fremarek has been charged with the following in part:

  • Count 1 – “defendant herein, devised, intended to devise, and participated in a scheme to defraud Company A, and to obtain money and property by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations, and promises, as further described below”
  • Count 2 – “defendant herein, for the purpose of executing and attempting to execute the above described scheme, did knowingly cause to be transmitted by means of wire communication in interstate commerce certain writings, signs, and signals, namely a payment of $47,576.14; from company A’s account at Bank B, in the Northern District of Illinois, to defendant’s American Express credit card account, which was processed through an American Express server located outside Illinois;”
  • Count 3 -“defendant herein, for the purpose of executing and attempting to execute the above described scheme, did knowingly cause to be transmitted by means of wire communication in interstate commerce certain writings, signs, and signals, namely a payment of $10,711.97, from Company A’s account at Bank B, in the Northern District of Illinois, to defendant’s Barclays credit card account, which was processed, through a Barclays server located outside Illinois;”
  • Count 4 – “defendant herein, for the purpose of executing and attempting to execute the above described scheme, did knowingly cause to be transmitted by means of wire communication in interstate commerce certain writings, signs, and signals, namely a payment of $37,665.97, from Company A’s account at Bank B, in the Northern District of Illinois, to defendant’s American Express credit card account, which was processed through an American Express server located outside Illinois;”
  • Count 5 – “defendant herein, knowingly caused false statements to be made to Bank B, a financial institution, the deposits of which were then insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance, with the intent to influence the actions of Bank B concerning Company A’s available credit with Bank B, in that defendant stated that Company A’s accounts receivable book value as of July 31, 2018, was approximately $2,202,878.03 when defendant knew that such statement was false;”
  • County 6 – “defendant herein, knowingly caused false statements to be made to Bank C, a financial institution, the deposits of which were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance, with the intent to influence the actions Bank C concerning a loan application for Company A, in that defendant, stated that Company A’s accounts receivable as of June 30, 2018, was approximately $2,143,191.11 when defendant knew that such statement was false;”

The indictment alleges Fremarek stole approximately $1,380,769.90 from Company A, by fraudulently and without authorization causing funds from Company A’s business bank accounts at Bank A and Bank B to be used to pay his personal expenses and concealing the true nature of these transactions from Company A.  It appears Company A was “PSC Group” according to their statement on the indictment.

According to the Plainfield Township web-site, “Tony Fremarek was elected to the board as Trustee in April of 2009, and elected Supervisor in 2013. Tony is the Founder and Owner of A Fractional CFO, LLC, a company that provides CFO services for small to mid-sized businesses. He holds a B.S. in Accounting from the University of Illinois. Tony’s main focus is on expanding the reach of Township Government to the residents, and providing quality services to the residents of Plainfield Township, while keeping taxes low. As an advocate for transparency, Tony’s goal is to increase the amount of information that residents can “self-service” on-line”.

A copy of the indictment can be downloaded at this link or viewed below.

Femarek indictment




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  • Plainfield Pete
    Posted at 13:18h, 26 February

    Amazingly – remains on the ballot for April, and continues to be listed as the head of the Plainfield Township GOP. Does he have pictures of everyone else in the Township? Do that not realize how difficult it is to get indicted on FEDERAL charges?

  • Tim
    Posted at 15:28h, 14 February

    You could have broken one of the larger corruption cases in this township when you first started investigating them a few years ago, but you took off the gloves halfway through your investigation.
    Even after this event the township is not doing a full forensic audit, and the accused supervisor still sits on the board and specifically only brought forward a vote to approve a ‘process test’ for the township, and not a full audit. How are you not breathing down these guys backs yet?

    Posted at 22:08h, 21 January

    While he is the Plainfield township supervisor, these alleged crimes were in the private sector and have nothing to do with township funds. However, considering his alleged creative manipulations, Plainfield township will probably be taking a close look at their financial records.

  • All seeing eye
    Posted at 19:22h, 21 January

    Haha maybe he can share a cell with Joliet Township supervisor Dan Vera!!! Put the blame on the spineless will county state’s attorney poor excuse for a prosecutor!!

  • Unsilent majority
    Posted at 19:14h, 21 January

    Haha maybe he can share a cell with Joliet township supervisor Dan Vera!!! Put the blame on the spineless will county states attorney poor excuse for a prosecutor

  • GW One
    Posted at 10:01h, 21 January

    Feds are able to indict a township supervisor.. Why can’t the feds indict Ex Speaker Mike Madigan?
    Time to get rid of Townships in Illinois. Most townships serve no useful purpose. They waste countless taxpayer dollars and is the reason Illinois has more government units in the nation with the exception of one.

  • Mags
    Posted at 21:18h, 20 January

    Corruption at all levels. Wake up people. Start holding your local government officials accountable.

    Get engaged and pay attention. Ask questions, make phone calls, go to meetings, put in FOIA’s.

    We are responsible for much of this, because we have not been paying attention or making sure the rule of law is followed by all.
