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October 19, 2024

Township Electors took charge last night in Pecatonica Township –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 30, 2020

Pecatonica, IL. (ECWd) –

Updated to correct a scrivener’s error.

The annual town meeting of the electors was held amid a snow storm last night in Pecatonica Township – it has been long overdue.

During the meeting, the electors voted on and approved Pecatonica Township Ordinance 2020-104 placing restrictions and mandates on how the township uses its buildings and property, and addresses Township Supervisor Musso’s abusive use of the courts to intimidate residents. The Ordinance as approved is one of the statutory powers of Township Electors.

Supervisor Musso’s reign of terror on citizens had been dealt a massive blow with the passage of this Ordinance restricting his ability to intimidate people through abusive court filings. We have written extensively on Musso’s abuse (here) which included open meetings violations, public comment restrictions, arresting at least two people during meetings, permitting attorney to call residents assholes, and submitting false documents to the State’s Attorney and Courts, banning people from meetings, and stripping their right to vote from them – with each and every court case adjudicated or settled in favor of the resident and against the Township.

From the approved Ordinance:

  • No person shall be prohibited from township corporate property without a court order obtained through a civil court action in the name of the township in the circuit court
  • No person shall be prohibited from attending a public meeting of the Township Board of Trustees, or any other public meeting held on township corporate properties, except as provided by Court order pursuant to a civil action in the name of the township in the circuit court
  • No person shall be removed from any public meeting unless such person is acting in a disorderly manner, and after twice noticed from the Supervisor, persists in that conduct, the supervisor may order the person to withdraw from the meeting. If the person refuses to withdraw, the supervisor may order any police officer or any other person to take the disorderly person from the meeting and confine him or her in some convenient place until the meeting is adjourned. The person refusing to withdraw shall, for that offense, forfeit a sum not exceeding $10 for the use of the township to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the township in the circuit court
  • Violations of this and all other Ordinances of the township shall not be classified in excess of a petty offense and the fines and penalties for each offense shall not be in excess of $10
  • All penalties, when collected, shall be deposited into the Township General Fund
  • All Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict


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1 Comment
  • WellWell
    Posted at 12:34h, 30 December

    Sounds like the similar actions of a few Jarvis Township Trustees.
