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March 28, 2025

Stacey Adams charged with 3 Counts of Felony Aggravated DUI –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 1, 2020

Paris, IL. (ECWd) –

Last week we reported on Stacey Adams’ DUI charge from November 19th, which was while she was still on court supervision in her DUI from 2019 where she turned into the path of an Edgar County Sheriff’s Deputy while he was responding to a call.

According to the police report:

  • On Nov 19, 2020, at 4:41 p.m., deputies were called to a vehicle upside down in a ditch, with entrapment
  • She was later removed from the vehicle and a strong odor of alcoholic beverages were present, and she was slurring her words
  • She was unable to maintain her balance or a standing position
  • Fire and EMS had to physically hold her upright, and while doing so Stacey tried rubbing their faces and various parts of their bodies to the point the staff felt uncomfortable
  • She was placed on a cot, unable to stand, let alone walk
  • Several small blue bottles of Platinum 7 Vodka were found in the vehicle
  • She was taken to the hospital
  • She said she had not consumed any alcohol
  • She refuse any blood or urine tests to detect alcohol and refused to sign the “Warning to Motorists”
  • She was arrested for DUI /  aggravated DUI

After her most recent DUI, her husband filed for divorce and the Edgar County State’s Attorney charged her with three Felony counts of aggravated DUI as follows:

  • Count 1:  Aggravated DUI / License Suspended or Revoked
  • Count 2:  Aggravated DUI / License Suspended or Revoked
  • Count 3:  Aggravated DUI / No Valid Drivers License

All three are Class 4 Felonies if convicted.

Adams posted Bond of $2000 on Dec 1, 2020, with a First Appearance set for Dec 7, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. in Courtroom 2.

***We would also like to note that these are merely charges, and a person is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

Read the arrest reports below (or here):

Stacey Adams DUI Nov 2020



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  • Golden Country
    Posted at 22:22h, 02 December

    How would I feel about it then? Well it would truly be unfortunately for all parties. DUI crimes have been around for decades and most individuals feel that society should do what we can to limit them. Most articles on this blog appear to bring attention to unlawful government action which is a worthy cause.

    But dragging someone’s unfortunately plight into a blog of this type is out of place and serves no purpose. We can read all we want about these types in the national inquirer. . Stick to articles with real purpose.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 22:24h, 02 December

      if she wasn’t still on court supervision from the last one when she ran into the deputy responding to a call, she wouldn’t be on here.

  • jannie
    Posted at 08:57h, 02 December

    DUI’s are often treated as just the individuals personal problem. In this instance I believe the person had already been in counseling & probation which didn’t appear to work – if she was driving drunk. Judges often ignore this crime or just give slaps on the wrist. In the town I lived before a person had several DUI’s and no jail time. They ended up driving on the wrong side of the interstate — where he ran into a car with 2 young women. DUI’s aren’t a victimless crime.

  • Golden Country
    Posted at 00:14h, 02 December

    I don’t see the point nor the need to air dirty laundry ECWD should be ashamed.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 06:25h, 02 December

      It is a criminal case. The last time she crashed into a sheriff deputy on the highway, this time she rolled her vehicle in a ditch, the next time people could die. How would you feel about it then?

  • Jane Doe
    Posted at 22:00h, 01 December

    I hope that she is court-ordered to receive counseling and treatment and that she accepts and participates in the treatment plan. Is it true that she suffered a great personal tragedy (death in family)? I pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional healing for her, regardless.
