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March 11, 2025

Criminal Destruction of Property – Coles County

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On December 15, 2020

Coles Co.  (ECWd) –

Criminal destruction of property has occurred on multiple properties connected to the Solar Farm project on the east side of Coles County and bordering western Edgar County.  This damage includes the destruction of a cement wall on an old dairy barn, the destruction of barn doors, and numerous fence posts rammed into by a vehicle.  Below are a few photos of the damage.

It’s evident by the damage this was an intentional act. While we do not have photos of the Solar Farm fence damage, we have seen both videos and pictures that reflect areas of fence and fence poles that were rammed and ruined.

Anyone having any information regarding this damage is asked to contact the Coles County Sheriff’s office at (217) 348-7332.






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  • Rhonda Humphres
    Posted at 22:22h, 16 December

    Being on the receiving end of this has been mind boggling. Such hatred and disrespect for someone else’s property. All of us have the right to our own opinions and have the right to like or dislike the choices of others. What we do not have is the right to destroy others properties.. properties that they have worked hard to acquire. Nor do they have the right to destroy a companies progress and equipment. These gentlemen are here to do a job they were contracted to do. Don’t like this project , fine, voice your opinion and be done with it. Better yet ask questions, research the company, visit the project but don’t take out your anger on others property.

  • crisy McMillan
    Posted at 15:05h, 15 December

    I wish I could tell you something about who did this. I’m understanding that folks in this area need solar education meetings to educate themselves. They just don’t understand and have such backwards views of solar. Coles county may have already offered classes but since this field is located on the Edgar border, well, dot dot dot. If it’s any benefit to them, they don’t see it. Benefits to the surrounding area would help.

  • Kirk Allen & John Kraft
    Posted at 11:33h, 15 December

    Tire tracks point to a 4×4 truck doing this. They backup up and rammed it several times. I understand a casting was obtained from the track at the Pole barn.

  • Rory Steidl
    Posted at 11:08h, 15 December

    To have knocked down a concrete foundation wall…do we also have a piece of heavy equipment reported as stolen or damaged?
