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March 27, 2025

Was Windsor Mayor Thomas Tull impersonating a Police Officer?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On November 24, 2020

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

After numerous tips about the Mayor of Windsor, IL. trying to intimidate people with the use of a police badge and threat of arrest over the past couple of years, we finally have evidence that should trouble the people of Windsor, assuming laws still matter.

The law is clear and states when a person represents himself to be a peace officer it is considered a false personation.

720 ILCS 5/17-2 – (8) No person, firm, copartnership, or corporation (except corporations organized and doing business under the Pawners Societies Act) shall knowingly use a name that contains in it the words “Pawners’ Society”.
(b) False personation; public officials and employees. A person commits a false personation if he or she knowingly and falsely represents himself or herself to be any of the following:
(1) An attorney authorized to practice law for purposes of compensation or consideration. This paragraph (b)(1) does not apply to a person who unintentionally fails to pay attorney registration fees established by Supreme Court Rule.
(2) A public officer or a public employee or an official or employee of the federal government.
(2.3) A public officer, a public employee, or an official or employee of the federal government, and the false representation is made in furtherance of the commission of felony.
(2.7) A public officer or a public employee, and the false representation is for the purpose of effectuating identity theft as defined in Section 16-30 of this Code.
(3) A peace officer.
(4) A peace officer while carrying a deadly weapon.
(5) A peace officer in attempting or committing a felony.
(6) A peace officer in attempting or committing a forcible felony.

A violation of paragraph (b)(3) is a class 4 felony according to the statute.

“(4) A violation of paragraph (a)(4), (a)(5), (a)(6), (b)(1), (b)(2.3), (b)(2.7), (b)(3), (b)(8), or (b)(11) is a Class 4 felony.”

The following photos of Mayor Tull’s “police” credentials raise serious concerns. The badge, which has Tull’s name at the bottom was purchased at his insistence and paid for with taxpayer funds. The ID card has his photo and a disturbing claim on the back of the ID. Disturbing because the claim on the ID is not true.

“The bearer of this card is fully commissioned law enforcement officer with the Windsor Police Department, Windsor, IL and has statutory  powers of arrest and is authorized to carry a firearm  Should verification of these credentials be necessary please contact the Windsor Police Department by calling 217-459-2282”

I contacted Chief Ron Bateman of the Windsor Police Department and he confirmed Mayor Tull “was” in possession of the Badge and ID and that they have been recovered and are no longer in the Mayor’s Possession.

The big question, why were they EVER in his possession?

According to the Illinois Law Enforcement Training Standards Board, Thomas Tull is not a commissioned law enforcement officer.

We are awaiting a response from the Shelby County State’s Attorney for certain records that we understand requested a charging decision against the Mayor prior to Chief Bateman becoming the current Windsor Police Chief.  We suspect nothing was done on the matter which appears to be the norm for Shelby County when it comes to our laws.

We asked the Mayor several questions through the Clerk’s email and have yet to get a response.  If we do we will update the article with applicable updates.


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  • PK
    Posted at 21:34h, 24 November

    nobody cares about law enforcement in Shelby County, Illinois. Nobody cares about this idiot of a mayor. Nobody cares, else the state’s attorney would have already done something.

  • Sgt. Joe Friday
    Posted at 18:03h, 24 November

    People having “complimentary” badges – or badges they have obtained through some sort of position of authority/influence over those who provide them those undeserved badges – is such an affront. It really pisses me off. This crap has gone on forever but I’m glad that in this instance this misuse has been put to an end.

  • Justin McWhorter
    Posted at 16:25h, 24 November

    I know him well and this is what he does all the time.

  • Justin McWhorter
    Posted at 16:24h, 24 November

    I know him well and this is what he does all the time.
