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October 19, 2024

VIDEO: Darren Bailey and Consolidated Cases v. Gov. Pritzker Hearing In Sangamon County –

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On October 15, 2020

Illinois (ECWd) –

A hearing on the consolidated lawsuits against Governor Pritzker was held yesterday, October 14, 2020 in Sangamon County.  This particular hearing heard arguments on the Governor’s Motion to Vacate the Clay County Darren Baily favorable ruling based on a jurisdictional issue.  The Governor’s position is the Clay County ruling was done outside of their jurisdictional authority and contend the Federal Court still had jurisdiction even though the order remanding the case back to the Clay County Court was signed and mailed – arguing that the Remand Order had not been filed with the state.

The other cases heard were on the multiple County cases filed seeking Declaratory Judgement related to the definition of Public Health Emergency in the Emergency Management Agency Act.  The Governor was seeking to have those cases dismissed based on their interpretation of the term, rather than allow the court to make that determination based on evidence.

We encourage everyone to take the time to watch the video of the hearings as it is very informative.

Housekeeping matters (arguments) are at the beginning of this video.

Motion to Vacate (Clay Co Order) arguments start at the 25 minute mark.

Arguments on Motions to Dismiss the various County cases start at the 1:10:30 mark.

Both cases were taken under advisement, with both parties to submit suggested Orders by Oct 21, 2020. Ruling to be issued at a later date.

We requested and were approved for Extended Media Coverage (Cameras in the Courtroom) for these cases – News Channel 20, SBGTV, acted as the Media Pool Recorder, video recorded the entire Hearing, and provided it to us. We took various photos, which can be reviewed below the video.



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  • Ang
    Posted at 00:10h, 29 November

    Pritzker sure is brazen. I cannot believe the police union backed him when he ran (gave him an endorsement).

    Then again, look at the sorry state of IL police departments (malicious prosecution? Egads!)

    Our tax dollars pay for these settlements I take it?

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 18:33h, 29 October

    It’s time for the court to rule the Governor in contempt and give him to the end of business Friday 10/30 to comply by recinding his latest edict. And put some teeth in it this time. No one is above the law.

  • Dave
    Posted at 08:20h, 28 October

    Thank you Watchdogs for all the great work you do!
    I will remember you with a few bucks if and when Prickster’s apparently idle IDES ever gets around to providing the money I applied for months ago to partially replace the income lost by a layoff due to Prickster’s political panic and lockdown.
    No, I wouldn’t mind at all. Just a small token of my appreciation.

    In case no one has already tipped you off, do keep an eye on the blog Second City Cop. They closely follow news about corruption and are plugged into various sources providing inside tips. Utilize the search feature on the blog.

    They had an item a month or two ago about bogus covid-19 testing where the editors, as well as a bunch of commenters related stories of people who never got tested receiving positive covid-19 test results in the mail.

    They have a lot of great stuff about corruption,with a lot of grapevine tips.

    Michele Thomas – you are great and so is your music! Plug it!

    • Michele Thomas
      Posted at 18:06h, 29 October

      You must have found my YT channel. Thank you Dave!

  • Michele Thomas
    Posted at 22:28h, 19 October

    Are you kidding? Go look at the replies to his tweets and get educated. There are a lot of links and educational conversations going on in-between the name calling. EWoodhouse7 is a good account to look at. You don’t need to have a Twitter account to read on the site.

    Whether you think Pritzker is just trying to protect people is irrelevant. Pritzker IS acting ILLEGALLY. There is NO excuse for that. He has no right to keep extending his 30 day order. What was to be two weeks to not overwhelm hospitals has turned into seven months of a sick game. The hospitals were never overwhelmed and he wasted 66 million of taxpayer money on his McCormick Place hospital.

    This is a SCAM and Pritzker is making money off of testing which is seriously flawed. Keeping people from working, taking away their livelihoods, killing their businesses, psychologically abusing, gaslighting and threatening the people of Illinois several times a week on twitter and in press conferences, mandating that we smother ourselves with masks that don’t stop the virus but only serve to suppress our immune systems and mess with us psychologically. Pritzker is committing crimes against humanity.

    Doctors and lawyers with integrity from all over the world are speaking up and saying there are many lies surrounding this and that this virus is basically a flu and yea, it’s going to kill some people just like the flu does every year. If the news and Pritzker wasn’t feeding you fear every day, this would be just like any years past and you’d have no idea there was a so-called “pandemic”.

    These doctors and lawyers are making cases for crimes against humanity and one day I hope this catches up with Pritzker and ALL the politicians and ALL the bought and paid for doctors and any other accomplices be held accountable for the damage they have done to the people physically, emotionally psychologically and spiritually. They MUST be held accountable!

  • Shanna Tewell
    Posted at 21:38h, 19 October

    I don’t understand why everyone is acting like this. The Governor is just trying to protect peoples lives and for doing so he’s being sued and hated…. Wow!!!

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 22:21h, 19 October

      It is the Legislature’s duty to act, but they refuse. The governor had power for 30 days, period.

    • Michele Thomas
      Posted at 22:30h, 19 October

      Are you kidding? Go look at the replies to his tweets and get educated. There are a lot of links and educational conversations going on in-between the name calling. EWoodhouse7 is a good account to look at. You don’t need to have a Twitter account to read on the site.

      Whether you think Pritzker is just trying to protect people is irrelevant. Pritzker IS acting ILLEGALLY. There is NO excuse for that. He has no right to keep extending his 30 day order. What was to be two weeks to not overwhelm hospitals has turned into seven months of a sick game. The hospitals were never overwhelmed and he wasted 66 million of taxpayer money on his McCormick Place hospital.

      This is a SCAM and Pritzker is making money off of testing which is seriously flawed. Keeping people from working, taking away their livelihoods, killing their businesses, psychologically abusing, gaslighting and threatening the people of Illinois several times a week on twitter and in press conferences, mandating that we smother ourselves with masks that don’t stop the virus but only serve to suppress our immune systems and mess with us psychologically. Pritzker is committing crimes against humanity.

      Doctors and lawyers with integrity from all over the world are speaking up and saying there are many lies surrounding this and that this virus is basically a flu and yea, it’s going to kill some people just like the flu does every year. If the news and Pritzker wasn’t feeding you fear every day, this would be just like any years past and you’d have no idea there was a so-called “pandemic”.

      These doctors and lawyers are making cases for crimes against humanity and one day I hope this catches up with Pritzker and ALL the politicians and ALL the bought and paid for doctors and any other accomplices be held accountable for the damage they have done to the people physically, emotionally psychologically and spiritually. They MUST be held accountable!

      (Editor- Sorry for the double post. I didn’t hit the “reply” button on the first one. You can delete that one.)

      • Michele Thomas
        Posted at 22:32h, 19 October

        AND financially. The damage is huge!

    • PK
      Posted at 10:31h, 21 October

      I’m very skeptical of Governor Pritzker’s claim over your safety, ma’am; and I’ve viewed enough of Pritzker responding to the press during “daily coronavirus updates” to form my own opinion about the same claim over others.’ For example, the prepared statement the Governor read regarding Mr. Bailey and the restraining order he obtained was no better than his reaction immediately after learned from a reporter’s question about him being “sued” the day before.

      Since then, and for many other reasons, I’ve also become a skeptic of some of the Illinois Governor’s administrative agencies.

      I hate that the length of time taken.

  • Cindy
    Posted at 20:04h, 16 October

    I couldn’t watch the whole video. I had to stop somewhere around 1:26 because I couldn’t stand the lying piece of filth that was talking. Every single thing that came out of his mouth was a lie!

    • PK
      Posted at 09:56h, 17 October

      It was audacious for the Governor’s representative attorneys to ask the court to put housekeeping first then immediately request accommodation for the self proclaimed manner of speech (quiet and fast). C’mon junior. Do you speak up and clear through the plexiglass barrier installed at the check-out line at your preferred home improvement store or is everyone in the state to accommodate your manner?

      • Michele Thomas
        Posted at 03:23h, 21 October

        Yea, asking the judge if he can take his mask off to speak while everyone else kept their mask on while speaking. AND to top it off he’s arguing to keep the people of Illinois masked. Hypocrisy!!

  • Dennis Popek
    Posted at 13:24h, 16 October

    I see more” Pritzker Sucks ” signs than campaign signs. Basically he has to be beaten (voting) outside of Cook, Madison, and St Clair counties. Plus all the”dead” voters. I still feel he will be a 1 termer, depending on his opponent.

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 08:35h, 16 October

    Well folks, where is justice? Losing a court battle and then still having your way…in violation of Illinois law….all the while using the State’s Attorney General’s Office and resources to defend one’s lost battle is what?
    How does justice reconcile and make whole those lost rights, businesses closed and new poverty at the hands of an over reaching governor?
    This continues to be a case of justice delayed…..justice denied. Month after month this drags on while due process is claimed and the objectives of the loser are met by default. Thirty days has come and gone…..

  • PK
    Posted at 18:30h, 15 October

    I’m grateful for the ECWd’s coverage and media recordings of these court cases, now recessed, in the county seat of the state capitol. After viewing the recording, the consolidation seems a decent venue to showcase the code of judicial coduct working in a state court, and, as Mr. Verticchio said: “bring things to an end.” It’s also good to have a second hand observation of the judge being forthright about her political campaign at the outset of the hearing.

    In my view, the Plaintiff won on the Governor’s motion to vacate the Clay County order based on the ‘question’ of jurisdiction.

    PS: The real ambush occurred when the Prizker admin closed all Illinois state parks.

  • Frank Miller
    Posted at 16:48h, 15 October

    From the Illinois Compiled Statutes, 20 ILCS 3305/7, where “any right”
    is referring to constitutional rights.

    ” the Governor shall have and may exercise for a period not to exceed 30
    days the following emergency powers; provided, however, that the lapse
    of the emergency powers shall not, as regards any act or acts occurring
    or committed within the 30-day period, deprive any person, firm,
    corporation, political subdivision, or body politic of any right or
    rights to compensation … ”

    An emergency declaration does not overrule constitutional rights or
    rights to compensation. Not for 30 days, not for 1 day.

    • Stacy
      Posted at 12:24h, 16 October

      I just don’t understand how it is taking so long to rule on this! The constitution is crystal clear. If the legislature intended for the Governor to rule by executive order for an unlimited amount of time, they would have left out the language about the 30 day limit!

      • Michele Thomas
        Posted at 18:00h, 16 October

        Yes, and in the meantime many people of all ages are suffering in a variety of ways and some are losing what they’ve worked for. This is really unacceptable.

        Also, I have a question. Can anyone tell me what the repercussions will be for Pritzker if he loses again? Are there any?

        What about the other governors who’ve lost these lawsuits, like Whitmer in Michigan? She loses in a court of law, she did an illegal act and ruins people’s lives and she has no repercussions? She is allowed to just continue to go on as if she did nothing wrong? She’s still tweeting and using the Michigan health dept. (although I think they were named in the lawsuit and lost as well) and telling people to “mask up”. That GRATES on me! WHO do these politicians think they are?!!! They are really being revealed for the dictators they are at heart. Whitmer tweets just like Pritzker. Same words. Same sick psychological games. It’s all from the same sick playbook.

        These people MUST PAY!!

        • PK
          Posted at 19:30h, 16 October

          Michigan’s high court found that a 1940’s law allows the Governor more than 30 days to exercise emergency powers. Otherwise a 1970’s law would limit the Governor’s emergency powers to 30 days. Absurd is Governor Whitmer’s rationale for having not allowed motor boats….something about a risk do to having to make a fuel stop en route to the boat launch.

          Wisconsin’s high court found that the Governor does not have emergency powers beyond the 30 days.

          Like the state of Wisconsin, the Illinois Governor has 30 days of emergency powers. Unlike the state of Michigan, there is no 1940’s law in Illinois that would allow the Illinois Governor more than the 30 days.

          Unlike Illinois, the legislative branches of government in both Wisconsin and Michigan had a role in their high courts findings. That could be why Illinois lags so far behind Michigan and Wisconsin courts of law, and why I think the ammended Bailey case shines.

        • PK
          Posted at 11:48h, 03 November

          I recently read a news article about Michigan’s high court having overturned a previous ruling. Accordingly, high courts in both Michigan and Wisconsin have now found 30 days to be a valid time limit for their respective governors emergency powers. In terms of Illinois courts time taking, the state court ruling in Clay County occurred before Michigan’s high courts’ recent ruling; and as such is now standing, at least not last, but rather back to the normal excessive time taking of Illinois courts,

  • Michele Thomas
    Posted at 15:53h, 15 October

    I thank Bailey and DeVore and anyone taking a stand against Pritzker in court. Unfortunately though, in the meantime we continue living under tyranny and these ridiculous edits get embedded into our society as this takes so long to play out. These masks have to go. The room is echoey and then with the masks, voices are muffled. This is a sick game Pritzker is playing.

    • NiteCat
      Posted at 16:32h, 15 October

      Well said…it is a sick game

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 14:37h, 15 October

    The IEMA Law is clear. After the first 30 days control of a statewide health emergency comes under the control of the IDPH who’s required actions are also clear and specific under that statute. Why the Gov. is continuously allowed to use the IEMA statute as an argument is the question that needs to be answered in this court. They are 2 separate statutes with different rules & requirements to follow. The GA wrote them that way on purpose and has chosen not to get into this fight and change either or declare different intentions and outcomes. They cannot be combined into 1 overarching statute in favor of the Governor, but it remains to be seen how this court & judge will rule. As everything that goes in in this state, I honestly expect her to rule in favor of the Gov. and against us.

    • PK
      Posted at 22:26h, 15 October

      A while back, Governor Pritzker said he was “building the plane in the air.” I gather the statement was issued in response to media queries over the Pritzker team opting to procure a shipment of masks, and to have these masks delivered via cargo plane to an airport near Pritker’s gold cost home (the one with indoor plumbing, I suppose). Despite the fact that the Michigan governor repeated Pritzker’s statement a short time later, I’ll forever refer to the idea that a plane can be built in the air as Pritzker’s Goose not Whitmer’s Geometry nor actual flight as demonstrated at Kitty Hawk airport many years ago now.
