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March 13, 2025

Bailey filed Contempt Petition against Gov. Pritzker in Sangamon County Circuit Court –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 22, 2020

Sangamon Co., IL. (ECWd) –

Rep. Darren Bailey filed a Petition for Adjudication of Indirect Civil Contempt this morning against Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker in Sangamon County Circuit Court.

From the Petition:

Clay County Court declared Pritzker no longer had any emergency powers under Section 7 of the IEMAA after April 8, 2020, and declared any COVID-19 executive order after that date as VOID. That Governor Pritzker, in complete disregard of the Court’s Order, issued executive orders 56, 59, 60, and 61.

Just two days after the Sangamon Court refused to vacate the Clay County Court’s Order, Gov Pritzker signed executive orders 60 and 61 regarding COVID-19.

“These were willful acts by Pritzker calculated to embarrass, hinder, or obstruct the Court in its administration of justice, and are expressly calculated to derogate from its authority and dignity.”

“Everyday citizens throughout this state who find themselves in front of our honorable courts are never allowed to take actions which will directly embarrass, hinder or obstruct the court’s authority and dignity; and our elected officials, even a governor, must unequivocally be held to the same standards of conduct as we hold our citizenry if we ever hope to maintain the sanctity of our system of justice in the eyes and hearts of the people.”

The Petition seeks to have Governor Pritzker show cause as to why he should not be held in contempt of Court, that he rescind the above mentioned executive orders instanter, and that Pritzker be held liable for Bailey’s attorney fees in this Petition.

Contempt Petition (Bailey v. Pritzker)



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  • Cindy
    Posted at 09:10h, 24 October

    For all the lies and corruption, the misery and sufffering, let alone the deaths directly attributable to this evil filth, this person is going straight to Hell. This is the face of Satan’s minion that would spread these horrific lies and cause so much death and destruction and they are doing it with the lies of their made up “viruses”. There are no words to decribe how evil their convoluted plans are for resetting the world. No court system can fight this kind of intentional destruction. A court system that worked would have to be patronized by people with morals. The evil things behind all of this don’t know what morals are. Their plans to terrify and control you are NOT going to stop with any paper served on them.

  • Tony
    Posted at 10:04h, 23 October

    We’re at the point of capable treatment that lockdowns are no longer necessary and case count isn’t a good metric any longer when it should be hospital capacity. If that isn’t the only metric that matters at this point (because more cases don’t correlate to more hospitalizations) then he is anti-science.
    Then again, I might be sent to a re-education camp to learn that 2+2=5.

    • PK
      Posted at 12:09h, 23 October
      • Tony
        Posted at 13:42h, 23 October

        So you’re telling me restaurants are safer than homes and offices? Cus that’s what I’m reading.

        • PK
          Posted at 15:59h, 23 October

          In this 2013 University of Illinois at Chicago publication, the authors concluded that maintaining indoor relative humidity >40% (greater than 40%) will significantly reduce the infectivity of aerosolized virus.

          Encamping on math facts, 2020 minus 2013 still equals seven.

  • Paul R Heyden
    Posted at 10:51h, 22 October

    Is this the same gov/clown who was caught (on tape) on the phone with Blago nosing around how he could take obummas senate seat? is this the same guy who locked down Illinois and then sent half HIS family to Wisconsin and the other half to Florida????? and thanks j.b. fatass for the $50.00 increase in my Car plate sticker. Now $151.00

    • Donna Elliott
      Posted at 12:23h, 22 October

      Yeah it’s him! Someone needs to take away the chicken leg he’s gnawing on

  • PK
    Posted at 10:11h, 22 October

    And upon the state’s request for housekeeping the Pritzker’s ill will for enforcement, the judge said: I definitely want to follow my own orders.

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 10:11h, 22 October

    Stop with the open ended court actions already. Go for a cease & desist order or declaratory judgement from the court. This man needs to be stopped now!

    • Lyn P.
      Posted at 11:10h, 22 October

