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October 19, 2024

DuPage Twp Trustee Maripat Oliver’s Disdain For Black, Educated Woman Who Can Read –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 5, 2020

DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) –

During a recent DuPage Township Board of Trustees meeting, Trustee Benford read a letter during public comment.

Trustee Maripat Oliver objected and even wrote a complaint to the Attorney General about Benford’s reading of a letter during public comment. Her specific allegation was that Trustee Benford violated the Open Meetings Act by “reading a letter, during public comment, that was not written to the Township Clerk, exceeded 200 words, and did not relate to township business.”

The Attorney General’s office refused to investigate these frivolous claims, clearly aimed at silencing someone Maripat Oliver has been publicly embarrassing herself over for more than a year.

It has been documented in the recent past, that Trustee Oliver has shown complete disrespect to Benford during meetings by purposely mispronouncing her last name, even after being told how to pronounce it. Rita Kohli, a race and ethnicity scholar at the University of California, along with other experts, has stated that “mispronouncing names can be a form of racial microaggression, and the act of learning names acknowledges their history and presence. This micro-aggressive behavior is clearly evident in the numerous interactions on video during DuPage Township public meetings – and even the reported closed session meeting where Oliver yelled at Trustee Benford: “F*ck you, as a matter of fact, f*ck you twice” – as if once wasn’t enough…

We suggest once again that Trustee Maripat Oliver resign her office, and seek professional help.

Read the AG’s response to Oliver’s complaint below:

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  • Lara
    Posted at 14:33h, 05 September

    How on earth d is she get elected?

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 09:31h, 05 September

    It’s only a matter of time before Trustee Oliver’s discriminatory behavior against Trustee Benford drags herself and DuPage township into the national new. Or into something worse. .
    Shame on Oliver. Her very presence taints the meetings and spoils the efforts of all trustees to govern without prejudice and with integrity.. She doesn’t have enough common sense to pour sand out of a boot or to come in out of the rain. She’s skipping her much needed med’s.
    Sadly, asking Oliver to voluntarily resign or to contain herself would be like asking a 3 month old puppy to not XXX on the carpet. You just can’t fix stubbornness, ignorance or derangement by ignoring it. Board members need to hold Oliver accountable for her race discrimination.


    • SMH
      Posted at 11:28h, 05 September

      Is that the same trustee that Oliver went on a 30 + minute rant about last year? Is it true, Oliver is the only one with a criminal conviction in her past that is currently sitting on the board. She is full of white supremacy actions and she doesn’t seem to care about serving the people at all. This all seems personal to her, at the expense of our tax dollars once again. Just sad!! A trustee was reading a comment from a resident that Oliver had been mistreating and Oliver reports the trustee to the attorney general. Yes that Oliver is a ball of hypocrisy.

  • SMH
    Posted at 08:04h, 05 September

    Maripat is the fruitiest loop in the history of fruit loops. You can watch a video and see that she has an unhealthy obsession with attacking Benford. When she is absent, the meetings are professional. I agree with you guys, someone needs to get her some professional help. Does she have family? She is becoming the 2020 version of The hand that rocks the cradle. She is embarrassing.
