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October 19, 2024

Norton Slapped with $17,000+ Motion For Attorney Fees In Frivolous Lawsuit He Lost –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 13, 2020

Wesley Township, IL. (ECWd) –

After successfully having the frivolous lawsuit Dismissed with prejudice under the Citizen Participation Act (“CPA”), Robert Hanlon, Attorney for the Defendants (Cindy Brzana and others), filed a Motion for Attorney fees, which are mandated when a Defendant prevails in a CPA Motion.

Hanlon is asking the Court to award defendants a total of $231.00 in filing fees, and $16,987.25 in attorney fees.

Former (appointed for a short time) Wesley Township Road Commissioner John Norton, who currently has a Stalking / No Contact Order against him (here), filed a frivolous lawsuit, in part, because some people stood in front of him at a public meeting. He was seeking $10,000,000.00 (you can laugh, it is not a typo).

Under the CPA:

  • Sec. 25. Attorney’s fees and costs. The court shall award a moving party who prevails in a motion under this Act reasonable attorney’s fees and costs incurred in connection with the motion

The Docs:   Attorney Fee MemoMotion for Attorney FeesNotice of Motion

Defendant’s Attorney sent the following as part of a message to Norton: “Since the court already granted costs and attorney fees in our requested relief, all that is left is the amount you will pay, not whether or not you must pay them.

As alleged in a July 31, 2020, email, Defendants are well aware of Norton’s equitable interest in real estate, a couple of aluminum boats and three boat trailers (one might be a car towing dolly), HAM radio equipment and antenna(s) – (on the house and next to the garage), and a vehicle he drives that sounds like the muffler is falling off.  Some or all of this can be taken to satisfy a Judgment of fees/costs against Norton.

Norton was given the opportunity to agree to reduced fees but failed to respond, so now he must appear in court (via Zoom) to answer this Motion for fees on September 3, 2020, at 9:00 a.m.


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  • Roger
    Posted at 15:15h, 14 August

    Play stupid games… Win stupid prizes. Surprised to see the photo of him exiting the courthouse without his usual requested courthouse security escort.

  • Tracey Baker
    Posted at 09:42h, 14 August

    His “attorney” should also be at least fined for helping in filing such a frivolous lawsuit. This type of action would go along way in deterring lawyers in the future.

    • John Kraft & Kirk Allen
      Posted at 12:39h, 14 August

      he doesn’t have an attorney

  • Sandy Gray
    Posted at 07:52h, 14 August

    What is this person smoking? I hope the courts laugh in his face and tell him to pay up or shut up. Is he a threat to the public safety?
