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March 28, 2025

Local Health Departments: Mask As I Say, Not As I Do

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 20, 2020

Clinton and Edgar Counties, IL. and Clinton County, IN. (ECWd) –

“Do as I say, not as I do”

Local health Departments have been preaching about mitigating the COVID-19 threat through the use of social distancing, wearing masks, and washing hands . . . to the public.

How can they ever expect people to pay any attention to them when they do not follow their own guidance?

Here is what some of them do when they think the public is not paying attention:

Edgar County Health Department (from a few weeks ago) – a group of people representing a new business in Paris, Illinois, decided to do a “joy drop” at the Edgar County Health Department in appreciation of what they do, particularly during this COVID crisis. They posted a video, which shows the meeting room within the Department filled with people in a closed room, not social distancing, and mostly without wearing masks. There were at least 15 people in the room, only 2 can be seen with a mask on, and several wearing Health Department employee shirts:

Next is the Clinton County (Indiana) Health Department Director who made a video telling people to wear masks, and to wash their hands often, however, at the end of the video, he gives a high-five to a child – which gives the impression that high-fives, and by extension, handshakes, are no longer discouraged:

Finally, on Aug 7th, the Clinton County (ILLINOIS) Health Department Interim Administrator was featured in a couple photos, along with a Public Health Nurse, and the emergency preparedness coordinator. First, a group photo was posted to a Facebook account showing several people without wearing masks and not social distancing, then, later, a new photo was uploaded showing the same group photo of them all wearing masks. The first photo was removed. A resident saw the photos, captured them, and posted a comment about them to his Facebook page:



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  • Cindy
    Posted at 12:02h, 24 August

    Frank? Had nothing to do with Richie. It’s also something to do with chromosomes NOT exosomes. That is neither here nor there. Do you miss the point that it is ALL fake? It is all about psychological torture. It’s wokring quite well when you look at the state of the world.

  • Cindy
    Posted at 16:52h, 21 August

    I have been shouting this since March 13, 2020, but not many will listen. I was knocked out of here for posting a link, so I stopped trying on this forum. I now see that others are able to post links so I will try it again. (Thanks Frank, for the link.) It is paramount that people get this through their heads.

    • Frank Miller
      Posted at 12:49h, 22 August

      You’re welcome. I like Richie but disagree with the exosome theory. It does not explain how many people in families for example, will become infected within a short period of time. Denis Rancourt has a more comprehensive description in my opinion. Keep posting your opinions, even capitolfax will let through perhaps 1 out of 5 of my posts. Remember sunlight (and truth) is the best disinfectant.

  • homer
    Posted at 15:45h, 21 August


    • PK
      Posted at 16:31h, 21 August

      Bug off Homer!

      • Homer
        Posted at 14:48h, 22 August

        Kirk is pk your spokesman I would hope not . So KIRK DO YOU WEAR A MADK ON A EMT RUN ?

        • Homer
          Posted at 15:32h, 22 August


          • Lara
            Posted at 18:20h, 22 August

            Homer as in the Greek author or as in Simpson? Because you’re acting like the latter.

  • Frank Miller
    Posted at 10:37h, 21 August

    Be sure to watch the last 4 minutes.

    • PK
      Posted at 19:47h, 23 August

      Kudos on the music video…i just had to view it again…’you can dance if you want to’! The vaping demo seemed a close enuff approximation to a real lab experiment too. Thanks!

  • Cindy
    Posted at 22:45h, 20 August

    Why is it the subversives that post here don’t know how to spell and use politically incorrect terms to call names? Hmm? Sounds a little like Ai trying to look human to me.

  • PK
    Posted at 22:01h, 20 August

    It’s a masquerade party. There, apparenrly high fives are cooler than knuckle bumps. How many photo-ops show the Governor elbowing with other officials anyway?

  • homer
    Posted at 21:56h, 20 August

    you retards need to get a life i were a mask in public to protect others and my self i were a mask at work daily as my company requires it what is the big deal kirk do you were a mask when you make make emt calls if so why
    you guys need to get champaigns life size condom and were it only true penis heads like you two should were it

    • PK
      Posted at 22:06h, 20 August

      I’ve decided to keep away from your company!

    • Bill Smith
      Posted at 11:11h, 21 August

      I wouldn’t go around using the term “retards” when referring to others and then spell “wear” incorrectly multiple times in the same paragraph.

    • Aaron
      Posted at 12:31h, 21 August

      Stopping a virus with a mask is like using a chain link fence to stop a mosquito.

  • Not Dave
    Posted at 20:45h, 20 August

    Oh please. ECWD, this is kind of ridiculous to waste your time on. We are all trying. Most of the time.

    • Pete
      Posted at 21:19h, 20 August

      The point is that not all “we” are trying. If you’re too dense to get that, you probably brush your teeth with peanut butter.

  • Lyn P.
    Posted at 18:47h, 20 August

    It’s been a ruse from the get-go. No one should pay attention to anything these yahoos say or “guide.” They’re always excluded, and it’s not about health at all.

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 18:43h, 20 August

    But in all fairness I’m sure they all had had their temperatures taken…

  • Kathiann
    Posted at 18:41h, 20 August

    Yep I saw the same thing in our Health department in White County too. Since I was trying to be a good citizen and wear mine inside and to be covert I didn’t photograph it, but I’m sorry I didn’t. Masks for thee but not for me!
