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March 3, 2025

JCAR Meeting Live Video @ 11:30 – 8-11-2020

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 11, 2020


Watch the JCAR, Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, meeting today at 11:30 a.m. where one of the Agenda items will be the governor’s “guidance” on penalties and fines against small businesses in relation to the alleged mask requirement.

Item #43 on the Agenda (here) is the item in question.

This meeting could be delayed like it was last time with behind the scenes negotiations, but we will go live when the meeting actually starts.

Standby – meeting has not started yet:


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  • Peter Szabo
    Posted at 02:33h, 15 August

    The entire process is illegal! Executive orders only apply to State employees! An Illinois Judge already has ruled that Pritzker’s emergency authority expired 30 days after the initial mandate. The main problem is that most Americans have absolutely no clue that only Congress can pass laws. Governors & Mayors cannot force anyone to obey mandates, proclamations or edicts! They count on public ignorance and work with MSM to brainwash the public that Covid-19 is am epidemic and that everyone must blindly obey these despicable politicians or they will drop dead by the millions. They are destroying our state, our lives & our families. The fake epidemic has completely died out! Covid related mortality has dropped to less than 10 per day and even those are suspect because of the way they declare pneumonia & influenza as Covid related! The real data is there at the CDC on the Provisional Data web page. Covid reached herd immunity back in April so they switched to publishing the number of Covid positive tests, Not the actual DEATHS! What difference does it make how many persons show as positive Coronavirus? The PCR tests themselves have over 50% failure rate and the tests creator strongly stated that PCR should never be used as a diagnosis test! It was designed for internal lab work to reproduce Coronavirus DNA for running lab tests. It is time for a public recall of Pritzker, end this Coronavirus insanity and get businesses and schools opened immediately and then we all need to get out in November and vote every incumbent out of office for destroying our state & nation!

  • GW ONE
    Posted at 20:36h, 11 August

    This JCAR Hearing is laughable. Is there a constitutionalist sitting on this elite committee? No, there is not. So, the state continues to allow Pritzker to suffocate businesses in Illinois, now attempting to criminalize and penalize them should they not become administrative assistants of the Governor. Its wonderful to see Republican and Democrats working so well together to terminate small businesses in Illinois, The intent of this rule is pure punishment
    This sad state can’t stop riots in Chicago but they sure can punish small business trying to squeeze out a meager living.

  • J.R. Dunlap
    Posted at 17:10h, 11 August

    My body my choice

  • NinaToepper
    Posted at 15:34h, 11 August

    Yeah, okay, keep touching those masks with your hands, after you have touched everything else. When you keep touching your masks, the action takes any credibility the masks may have, in prevention of the virus, and makes that supposed credibility void.

    I will not comply.

    I am well aware, no one is responsible for my health except myself.

    No one is liable for an illness,

  • Donald Blumenshine
    Posted at 11:37h, 11 August

    stop Governor pictures nonsense

  • Donald Blumenshine
    Posted at 11:36h, 11 August

    governor pritzker needs to be stopped making orders that he has no reason to make he has already ruined Illinois and small businesses let us the least get back to some normalcy if people want to wear masks that is their priority there are some of us that don’t can’t wear masks
