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March 27, 2025

IL State Rep Candidate Lisa Ciampoli Sued For False And Defamatory Statements –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 7, 2020

Madison Co., IL. (ECWd) –

Lisa Ciampoli Sued for False and Defamatory Statement
Sent By Former Madison County IT Director Rob Dorman
(See Documents attached)

MARYVILLE – A lawsuit for more than $50,000 was filed by Former Madison County IT Director Rob Dorman against Republican State Representative Candidate Lisa Ciampoli for a false and defamatory statement to the Madison County Public Corruption Task Force.

On January 4th, 2018, Lisa Ciampoli made a false statement to Detective Jeffrey Donahey of the Granite City Police Department which resulted in Detective Donahey filing a sworn affidavit on behalf of the task force.

The affidavit was used as a basis for a search warrant to a judge during the police raids of the Madison County administration offices on January 10th, 2018.

Dorman says the two-plus year investigation by police, in which no charges were filed, was precipitated by Ciampoli’s false and defamatory statement.

As a result of Ciampoli’s false and defamatory statement, me and my family’s life were destroyed,” Dorman said. “She was upset my father was running for precinct committeeman against her and she told me that I wasn’t going to like what was about to happen. I am so happy there is video that proves she lied to the police because I have done nothing wrong.”


Filed Dorman Complaint 08052020




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  • GW ONE
    Posted at 07:19h, 14 August

    Don’t be surprised if a write in candidate emerges. Ciampoli grossly misrepresented herself in a sworn affidavit. She says she won’t be intimidated by a frivolous lawsuit. This political statement does not satisfy Republicans that appreciate the truth.

  • OutSpoken
    Posted at 13:08h, 09 August

    GW One, I hope your right, the corrupt act between ST. Clair and Madison Counties are seemingly endless! I’ve noticed repeated patterns of favors being made that funnel money to the family members (siblings, cousins, etc) of both Politicians and people holding positions of authority in Southern IL.
    They either use their influence to get other people to turn a blind eye to holding multiple positions that have conflicts of interest with each other.
    Or will dismiss tickets/fines in court cases for both friends and family, no-bid contracts repeatedly issued, along with the convenient clerical errors and failing to notice out of State Case Records of Defendants (like DUI’s, etc, etc) that otherwise should have triggered a Felony charge.
    Then there are the instances of extremely young family members receiving permanent Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemptions on their Taxes.

  • GW ONE
    Posted at 12:08h, 09 August

    Ms. Ciampoli needs to get off the Republican ballot for State Representative. It’s hard to criticize Madigan or her opponent, Stuart, when her veracity and credibility are badly flawed.. And, she has lied to public officials via sworn affidavits. That surely will be the next show to drop.

  • Homer
    Posted at 12:21h, 08 August

    Typical of many lying reprats cant win on good merits let’s ruin someones life have seen this my hole life what a joke she is to the Republican Party

  • Eric Pratt
    Posted at 10:28h, 08 August

    Agree. How much time/expense was taken to investigate her false claims? The police have enough to do. She essentially used municipal employees to further her own ends. Knowingly providing false information is a felony, and for good reason.

  • Dennis P Finegan
    Posted at 20:07h, 07 August

    I’d sue her for a lot more than that. Why doesn’t the police department get her for lying/false police report?
