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March 28, 2025

Court Grants Pritzker’s TRO v. Christian Child Development Academy and Parkview Christian Academy –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 20, 2020

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) –

On August 18, 2020, Sangamon County Circuit Judge Raylene Grischow granted Governor Pritzker’s Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order against Defendants Christian Child Development Corporation and Parkview Christian Academy.  The Motion for TRO against Hutsonville Schools is MOOT as they stated, prior to the Hearing, that they would voluntarily comply with the IDPH and ISBE Joint Guidance.

In granting the TRO, the Court applied it to not only the named Defendants, but also to “Defendants officers, agents, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with them.”

The TRO Ordered Defendants to:

  • comply with the Governor’s Executive Orders and Guidance which applies to all public and nonpublic schools in Illinois serving prekindergarten through 12th-grade students. This Guidance includes, but is not limited to
    • Requiring the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including face coverings;
    • Prohibiting more than 50 individuals from gathering in one space;
    • Requiring social distancing be observed, as much as possible;
    • Requiring schools symptom screening and temperature checks or require that individuals self-certify that they are free of symptoms before entering school buildings;
    • Requiring an increase in school-wide cleaning and disinfection; and
    • Following any requirements as outlined in the Guidance as well as any changes that occur as a result of changing public health conditions.

Further Hearing will be September 2, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. by Zoom.

This is only part of the cases the Supreme Court consolidated. More Hearings on the way.

Temporary Restraining Order


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  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 11:44h, 22 August

    Vera Cass, It’s your claim there are….1,700 alleged CHINA VIRUS fatalities in Illinois, and if you divide that by 12,670,000 million citizens in Illinois it EQUALS .0001341……
    That’s the possibility you have of becoming a fatality from the CHINA Virus here in Illinois.
    There are many things you encounter on a daily basis that have a fatal risk to them. For example, Driving a car. That has a little more than half the risk of dying from driving a car..

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 21:32h, 21 August

    VERA CASS…Have you tried subtracting year to date fatalities from this year to last? In March 2019 the CDC fatality data for entire country was at 255,000…in 2020 there were 258,000 fatalities…..a difference of 3,000 for the entire country. A country with 331,002,651 people……
    Again, from March in 2019 to March in 2020 there was a net change in deaths…assuming all things are equal……of 3,000 people. (3,000/331,002,651 = .0000906). This is far, far, far less than 1% of deaths that could reasonably be attributed to the C. Virus in the Months of March.
    When I looked;, March was the last certified CDC data on US fatalities…. I believe the data on this matter is deliberately manipulated to suit one’s political agenda.
    Please reread my last paragraph.… . Thanks, Rob.

  • Vera Cass
    Posted at 09:08h, 21 August

    What a bunch of lunatics. In this state the cornavirus has claimed over 1,700 lives. Nationally it’s claimed over 175,000 and counting . Governor Pritzker has enacted common sense mitigation measures designed by epidemiologist to stop the progress of a highly infectious virus. Being “young and healthy” does not mean you will not get sick. It also doesn’t mean you will not die. COV-19 is 10 times more infectious than the seasonal flu. Those now getting sick are the 24-44 age group. They also are having permanent heart and lung damage. Young children also have the large viral loads which are asymptomatic infections which can be carried home to infect parents and grandparents. The pandemic is far from over and people nationally and state wide are still dying.

    The fact is that Governor Pritzker DOES have the authority to enact the measures detailed in his executive order. The US Supreme Court has ruled over and over that governors have the power to compel people to get vaccinated and the power also to compel people to wear masks, social distance and limit the number of people in public places. He also has the authority to shut down business if the positivity rate goes up. If and when this goes to the Illinois Supreme Court they will affirm this ruling,

    • PK
      Posted at 18:03h, 21 August

      What about hand-washing….its always been a concern for children. Wear your mask, watch your distance and forget about hand-washing?

      Lunatic fringe, your seated there.

    • PK
      Posted at 18:30h, 21 August

      Your information is also remiss of rulings from high courts in other states. Facts are relevant to stupid folk like me.

    • PK
      Posted at 19:14h, 21 August

      Forget the illinois Governor’s interest in developing the Illinois cannibis industry amid a world-wide pandemic; or try lumping his executive order 2020-03 into your version of common sense measures. If you’ve an ounce to stand on, try using FOIA to obtain information from the appropriate agency of the Governor regarding the actual number of out-of-state residents who traveled across state lines to patronize an Illinois cannibis dispensary. Remember, other state’s had their version of “stay at home” ongoing at the time. Until then, remember the first line of defense is to wash your hands more often.

    • COOL GUY
      Posted at 23:10h, 26 August

      yes, he has SOME of those powers for 30 days. He does NOT have those powers, FOREVER. With your logic, the governor could continue his dictatorial rampage with no end. and, for my enlightenment, can you please post the Supreme Court decision that grants governor authority to force vaccinations? thanks

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 20:45h, 20 August

    “The State of Illinois needs to leave the State of Chicago…”. This is a continuing example as to why citizens leave Illinois.
    A justice system that can’t function and with no accountability. A dictatorial governor that can’t read and that wont follow Illinois Law or the Illinois Constitution.
    An AG that provides FOIA responses 6 years later and a State so hopelessly bankrupt from the unbalanced budgets….a depression seems inevitable. What makes you think it can’t happen here in Illinois?
    Young and healthy citizens are now terrified of getting the China Virus…with the remotest of possibilities it could become a fatal event for them….while our tyrant Democratic Governor stokes the fires of hysteria demanding his rules be followed, taxes be hiked and that law and order be disregarded.
    This is a personal decision. The virus is no longer a secret. Stay home if your sick and see a doctor::: stay home if you’re afraid of getting sick and dying::: If you’re young and healthy go to work, to school and keep on living. Wear a mask and social distance if you choose.
    Just follow the law….. .

  • Anita Sweater
    Posted at 14:28h, 20 August

    Anyone think that it’s odd they went after two specifically “Christian” schools? The Satanists are just grinding their teeth for the banquet!

  • PK
    Posted at 14:00h, 20 August

    The time the court took to issue the TRO seems exceeding of a reasonable amount. Typical of certain Illinois state courts.

  • PK
    Posted at 13:51h, 20 August

    Slouching trouble remains with the legal analysis on item 3, judge.

  • Paul Kersey
    Posted at 12:15h, 20 August

    yes, they disregard that the executive orders were thrown out on July 2nd. Fascist technocracy has arrived!

  • jannie
    Posted at 10:43h, 20 August

    I’m wondering if the private school has received any public monies? just wondering. I would think people sending their children to private school would want them to be just as safe as if they sent them to public school.

  • Pete Johlie
    Posted at 10:28h, 20 August


  • Stacy
    Posted at 10:19h, 20 August

    Sad day in Illinois when even our judges stop following the law and the constitution. How can they force their mandates on private institutions parents pay to send their children to? Where are parental rights? This state has adopted full on communism.
