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Madison County Public Corruption Task Force Evidence Appears to Show Judge and County Officials Doing Prohibited Political Activity on County Email with County Equipment

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On July 28, 2020

Madison County, IL. (ECWd) –


Madison County Public Corruption Task Force Evidence Appears to Show Judge and County Officials Doing Prohibited Political Activity on County Email with County Equipment

Sent by former Madison County Administrator Doug Hulme and former Madison County IT Director Rob Dorman
(See Documents attached)

EDWARDSVILLE – Documents from the Madison County Public Corruption Task Force appear to show prohibited political activity by the sitting chief judge and other high ranking county officials over county email and processed on county equipment. The documents were recently released by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office through a freedom of information request.

The documents appear to be letters to Democrat Precinct Committeeman sent on county equipment and over county email, including an attached Democratic mailing list. The documents appear to be discussed between a judge and multiple county officials and were sent during multiple election cycles as recently as 2016.

One county email sent in 2014 by current Madison County Chief Judge Bill Mudge is titled “Vucich precinct letter November 2014 UPDATED will mail in ballot info.” The email has an attachment named “Vucich precinct letter November 2014 mail ballot.doxc.” Jennifer Vucich, now Jennifer Mudge after her marriage to Chief Judge Bill Mudge, was the First Assistant State’s Attorney under State’s Attorney Tom Gibbons. She was also the former wife of Captain David Vucich who is the commander of the Madison County Public Corruption Task Force and works for Sheriff Jon Lakin.

The emails released by the Attorney General also appear to show prohibited political activity by Chief Public Defender John Rekowski using county equipment.

Former County Administrator Doug Hulme, who was accused of wrong doing by David Vucich and the task force wants answers.

“In 2017 I blew the whistle on prohibited campaigning and political activity on county equipment, ” Hulme said. “These documents appear to show the sitting Chief Judge, the Chief Public Defender, and the former First Assistant State’s Attorney engaged in campaigning on the taxpayer’s dime. It also shows that the Madison County Public Corruption Task Force is involved in its cover-up.”

Former County IT Director Rob Dorman says that these documents prove there has been a miscarriage of justice by the Madison County Public Corruption Task Force.

“The mother of Captain David Vucich’s children appears to be involved with prohibited political activity on county equipment and over the county network,” Dorman said. “The task force commanded by Captain Vucich went out of its way to ruin my reputation and spread lies while collecting and concealing evidence of potential wrong-doing of connected county Democrats. It is imperative that a special investigation be carried out by independent state or federal authorities, without ties to the political corruption in Madison County, to bring justice to for me and my family.”

Public records used for this Press Release (herehereherehere)

You can download the press release at this link or view below.

Press Release Mudge 2020


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  • Publius
    Posted at 12:44h, 31 July

    If the two people who told Slusser about the bribery are never named and and the information never verified, then he most likely lied too to get an investigation going. Both men were targets of both parties from the looks of it.

  • Publius Maximus
    Posted at 20:27h, 30 July

    Slusser wore a wire to try and entrap Hulme. Instead of going to the FBI about the what Hulme told him, Slusser being an opportunist saw a way to damage Prenzler by taking out his Administrator and campaign manager, then he could primary him. So yes, the raids were caused by him. The million dollar question is going to be who are the two people in his office that told him about a bribery attempt by Hulme, who were not in the meeting when it allegedly happened. Inquiring minds want to know, and will find out.

    • Law 101
      Posted at 08:59h, 31 July

      Wonder if there was an element of entrapment here? Why didn’t Mr. Slusser talk to the County Board Chairman first to seek out information he sought? This is the best political “hit job,” accomplished by high ranking folks in the both political parties working together. This will not turn out well for those who said they sought good but used evil methods.

    • Law 101
      Posted at 16:12h, 31 July

      Mr. Slusser’s total involvement will become known in the near future. Lots of people will end up embarrassed. Law enforcement better double back before they are embarrassed. Mr. Slusser and Ms, Ciampoli peak my curiosity.

  • Law 101
    Posted at 20:14h, 30 July

    Both county employees, Dorman an Hulm, were wrongfully discharged. This will be proven soon in a court of law. I suspect both men will be be vindicated on a Motion for Summary Judgement. In the meantime watch all their accusers squirm in Pleadings, then depositions under oath. Lisa Ciampoli needs to fess up to her erroneously statements made to the Madison County Sheriff’s Dept. or suffer likely legal consequences, Ms. Ciampoli should remove her name from the ballot as the Republican candidate for state representative. From all documentation, she has a serious credibility issue.

    • PK
      Posted at 21:04h, 30 July

      The email communication disclosed in this article double-troubles just getting through the damn preamble.

      Is their marriage licensed by Madison County too?

      • GE ONE
        Posted at 06:56h, 31 July

        Process is a term in our legal the legal system that has meaning. It should be taken seriously.

  • WeveSpokenBefore
    Posted at 12:20h, 30 July

    John Kraft and Kirk Allen thank you for sharing this with the public and please forgive and correct me here if I get this wrong please in trying to understand it all since so much of what we the public were told now appears to be fabricated. Your other article about the “Raids” by the Madison County Public Corruption Task Force indicates those Raids were predicated on false information by affidavits from Lisa Ciampoli, Sheriff’s Det. Brian Koberna and Det. Jeffrey Donahey. Was there any truth to the reports from other media outlets of Madison County Tressure Chris Slusser’s involvement? Does the information you found contradict in any part or confirm in any part that the Raids stemmed from knowledge Chris Slusser provided when he wore a wire?

  • GE ONE
    Posted at 11:00h, 30 July

    I think Madison County has a written policy in place that permits certain county personnel to monitor all activity on computer owned equipment, It would be malfeasance not to have a policy. The Democrats had a policy in place when they were forced to discharge some county employees for serious misuse of assigned computers. Soon everyone will be treated to a legal display as to how certain deep state county Republicans and Democrats conspire solely for the benefit of themselves.

      Posted at 14:22h, 30 July

      Frightfully for the people of Madison County, I believe you are right and highly doubt this was a “lone” incident, there are likely other cases we are unaware of due to these acts. A review of the Human Nature of people willing to perpetrate such actions shows a tendency to become more emboldened with each act committed that remains unnoticed/ uncaught furthering a repeat of the behavior.

  • WeveSpokenBefore
    Posted at 08:13h, 30 July

    This subject matter could be confusing for anyone who’s followed the limited selective information that was previously released by the authorities to the local Media Outlets. Especially after reading your other article titled “Video of State Representative Candidate Lisa Ciampoli Casts Doubt on Statements to Madison County Public Corruption Task Force” published on July 24 2020

    • PK
      Posted at 08:41h, 30 July

      I preferred to access more information regarding the dissolution case records, especially with timing of a certain Publict Act in relation to the positions of litigants in that proceeding. However, unlike many other Illinois circuit courts, Madison County does not give internet access to such records. Also, the use of county resources for prohibited activity is evidenced by the documents attached. Clear as mud.

  • PK
    Posted at 09:39h, 29 July

    Nepotism’s horrid form strikes the Madison County line.
