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March 28, 2025

Bailey vs. Pritzker : Are You Comparing Thermal Nuclear War To The Flu?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 7, 2020

Clay Co., Illinois (ECWd) –

We obtained the transcript from the Darren Bailey Motion for Summary Judgement hearing today and encourage everyone to read it.  Doing so will clear up any doubts on what the Judge said and how he ruled.

Of interest is the Governor, by his own attorney’s admission on page 41, states they cannot appeal this case until it is final, which it is not due to the Governor’s attorney being granted a motion to file a Summary Judgement motion.

Page 62 is where the Judge asked the question, “Are you comparing Thermal Nuclear War to the Flu?”

The Judge, on page 77 raises several questions that need to be answered.  we can only pray those answers are provided in the next Summary Judgement filed by the Governor as we believe most of the citizens in this state want the same answers.

THE COURT: The defendant insists that his executive orders are driven by data, research and experts. What data? What research? Which experts? How and by whom was this data and research generated? Was it peer-reviewed? Were opposing opinions even considered? Who designated these people as experts? What is their bias? What are their qualifications? There is no transparency, only the pronouncement of the defendant who chooses the data, research and expert that fit his agenda.

Page 78 was inspirational for those that understand what it means to live in a Constitutional Republic.

“This court read with great interest, and greater chagrin, the Illinois Attorney General’s argument in federal court with respect to this case when he stated that due process is, and I quote, flexible depending on the circumstances, end quote. This court vehemently disagrees. Due process is, quote, flexible depending on the circumstances, end quote, if you live in Russia or China or Cuba or Argentina or some banana republic where, after disarming the general population, the person who usually winds up being in charge is the one with the most guns and the least humanity.

“Due process is not, quote, flexible, end quote, in this or any other state in this nation. Due process is the birthright of every American citizen. It is bedrock and hell will freeze before this court ever rules that due process is flexible.”

We took the liberty of highlighting some of the key points in the hearing but please read it all as it is a great read. You can download a copy at this link or view it below.



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  • PK
    Posted at 11:05h, 10 July

    IMHO, as an attorney with the office of the Illinois AG, Mr. Verticchio did fairly well to bring up the circuit’s Local Rule regarding timeliness of motions.

  • Helen Ann McAndrews
    Posted at 07:31h, 08 July

    Illinois attorney general states in court that due process is flexible. That shows us who he serves and it’s not us.

  • Paul Webb
    Posted at 06:51h, 08 July

    It appears that Cook, Lake, DuPage, Kendall, Will, and Kane counties will be all that the Governor needs to extend his illegal rule. Especially Cook..With Chicago now requiring air travelers from 10 or more states to self-quarantine, one must ask the question. Does this also apply to pilots and flight attendants? And who is going to do the enforcing of this? Will one of Mayor Lightfoot’s lackeys be given this honor? As long as the Chicagoland media will continue to grovel to the Governor of Illinois and Mayor of Chicago the illegal ordinances, fines, warnings, and half-truths will continue. I guess the saying “The beatings continue until the morale improves” is SOP for JB and Lori until further notice.

    • HT
      Posted at 23:50h, 08 July

      She wouldn’t be a good commie if she didn’t create yet another committee and fill it w/ other comrades just to do the enforcement. How would they enforce that is a joke unto itself.

      Yeah, ever since the judge ruled again Pugsley, notice how quiet the media has been? Not a peep from them what the rule of law is anymore. It’s as if we’re near the end of times for this beautiful country, and the media just figured, what the hell, what’s the point?

      It’s also eerily quiet of all the US attorneys to not have any opinion about any of this.

      Pugsley goes on FB, of all places, to threaten business, and no one calls him on it. Isn’t that already a breach of some official duty or decorum?

  • jerry gilbert
    Posted at 01:37h, 08 July


  • Mags
    Posted at 21:42h, 07 July

    Where are the County State’s Attorney’s as well? They have been AWOL. Dupage, Kane and Lake County State’s Attorneys have done nothing. Going along with the CLUB. Kwame needs to go. How many of our State Legislator’s, County Board Representatives and City Council people are attorney’s? Not to mention, our Cities and Village’s have their own legal counsel. Were they not able to read the Illinois Code? It appears they are all part of the club. Disappointing to say the least. They have done nothing to challenge this lawlessness.

  • T baker
    Posted at 18:58h, 07 July

    They as well as anyone associated with enforcing these illegal orders should be removed, fined and jailed to the max for all they have done to the people of Illinois

  • Dave
    Posted at 18:40h, 07 July

    Why do we have an Illinois Attorney General who thinks due process of law is flexible????? Our AG should be removed from office for saying such a thing

    • Stacy
      Posted at 18:46h, 07 July

      Yep. He also acts as the Governor’s personal attorney instead of working for the people of the state. The people who, might I add, pay his salary and pension.

  • Lara
    Posted at 17:01h, 07 July

    Watch Pritzker’s shills come out of the woodwork. They love China so much, I don’t see why we can’t ship them over there.
