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March 28, 2025

John Norton facing substantial legal bills in bogus Motion to Vacate Order of Protection

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On June 27, 2020

Will Co.  (ECWd) –

John Norton filed a motion to vacate his Order of Protection this month in the Will County Court.  (article here)

A response has been filed, and it appears Norton may have a problem, beyond those identified in dozens of other articles.

The Petitioner included in their prayer for relief attorney fees, which is allowed under the law for this type of case.

“Award the Petitioner her reasonable attorney fees for protecting the judgment in this case, pursuant to 740 ILCS 21/1 et seq”

Why could Norton be hit with those fees?  His own words appear to be the foundation to support such a prayer for relief.   According to the Declaration of the Petitioners attorney, Norton made statements to him that are the basis for him being subject to those legal fees.

“Specifically John Norton stated: “There’s nothing you can do to stop me and she’ll be bankrupt with your fees when I’m done”.

A copy of the response to Norton’s motion can be downloaded at this link or viewed below.

response ot emergency motion



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