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October 19, 2024

You have the key to open your doors, not the Government – Know your rights

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 15, 2020

Illinois (ECWd) –

Considering the massive amount of misinformation circulating the airways and about people’s businesses being closed by the Government and threats of losing their license if they open back up, we urge people to learn what their rights are.  Below is a brief video explaining the three most common issues we are seeing play out and below are key documents provided that outline what the law actually is on the matter.

A key important piece of information is to know, executive orders ARE NOT law.  So when you see a law that outlines you can lose your license for violations of law, understand that DOES NOT include executive orders as they are not laws.


Important Health Department statutes pertaining to their obligations and your due process rights.

 20 ILCS 2305/2(b)Subject to the provisions of subsection (c), the Department may order a person or group of persons to be quarantined or isolated or may order a place to be closed and made off-limits to the public to prevent the probable spread of a dangerously contagious or infectious disease, including non-compliant tuberculosis patients, until such time as the condition can be corrected or the danger to the public health eliminated or reduced in such a manner that no substantial danger to the public’s health any longer exists.

20 ILCS 2305/2(c) Except as provided in this Section, no person or a group of persons may be ordered to be quarantined or isolated and no place may be ordered to be closed and made off-limits to the public except with the consent of the person or owner of the place or upon the prior order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

Key article on Health Department powers and your due process rights at this link.

Within the documents are links to the relevant portions of Illinois law on the topics outlined.

Due process, use it or lose it!

You can download the documents below at links here, here, and here.

If you have doubts about he information, we urge you to listen to the lawyers at this link, and a retired judge at this link.

Know your rights (002)


Barber Solon Cosmotology license issues (003)


Liquore Control issue (003)

Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we
ask that you consider donating at the below link.


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  • Janet Fleming
    Posted at 19:20h, 18 May
  • PK
    Posted at 23:11h, 17 May

    In the WJPF broadcast, the host referred to having obtained confidential information from local officials around the state. Accordingly, local bodies are being “quietly informed” in back room discussions. With court proceedings ongoing in the same timeframe, agency employees “quietly informing” local bodies of the state’s intent to withold allocations flaunts prejudice at the courts. Help up front, please!

  • Rose Gallo-Rojas
    Posted at 14:07h, 17 May

    Thank you for your information regarding the state statutes mentioned in this message. They really helped me to understand my rights!

    Every voting member of your Illinois household should send a similar message to our state’s officials:

    Dear Committee Members,
    As a citizen of the state of Illinois, I strongly urge you to reject Governor Pritzker’s plan to extend the stay at home order. This was originally put in place in March 2020 to help flatten the curve and to help our hospitals get ready for COVID 19 patients and the care they would need. We have done that. At this point, there is no point to continuing the stay at home order. We cannot keep our economy shut down any longer or until a vaccine is developed. It is unconstitutional to do so under Illinois Statutes 20 ILCS 2305/2(b)and 20 ILCS 2305/2(c)

    20 ILCS 2305/2(b) Subject to the provisions of subsection (c), the Department may order a person or group of persons to be quarantined or isolated or may order a place to be closed and made off-limits to the public to prevent the probable spread of a dangerously contagious or infectious disease, including non-compliant tuberculosis patients, until such time as the condition can be corrected or the danger to the public health eliminated or reduced in such a manner that no substantial danger to the public’s health any longer exists.
    20 ILCS 2305/2(c) Except as provided in this Section, no person or a group of persons may be ordered to be quarantined or isolated and no place may be ordered to be closed and made off-limits to the public except with the consent of the person or owner of the place or upon the prior order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

    Due process under the law must be adhered to, rather than a unilateral, unconstitutional decree by the governor. ALL businesses are essential, not just the ones that have been deemed as such under the stay at home order. If we can shop at Costco or Target, we can shop at a local boutique or get our hair cut at a local salon. Both pose al risk. People need to get back to work and provide for their families. We don’t want government stimulus checks. We want the dignity to work for ourselves and make our own money. We want restaurants, salons, and all small businesses to reopen. We want our freedoms back. We need to reopen Illinois now, just like so many other neighboring states have done. We will be watching carefully as the decision of this committee is rendered.
    City State Zip

  • Joan Voorhees
    Posted at 12:02h, 17 May

    I’m curious, I know that Pritzker didn’t get an extension of the original Emergency Management Statute. Lake County has a snitch line and the Sheriff stands by it. I’m encouraged by the documentation you have above regarding businesses opening. How should that be tweaked so I can show the Sheriff that the snitch line isn’t relevant and that he should uphold the IL Constitution as well as the U.S. Constitution?

  • Doris Hubner
    Posted at 20:37h, 15 May

    I’ve been trying to spread the word to those who have business in Illinois. Great job as always.

  • Dave
    Posted at 19:26h, 15 May

    Calvin Coolidge:stated “Unless bureaucracy is constantly resisted it breaks down representative government … having authority over everybody and being responsible to nobody” YEP!

  • Dave
    Posted at 19:22h, 15 May

    Illinois state govt doesn’t have the lawful authority to bankrupt businesses nor can they suspend our property rights

    • BJ Griffin
      Posted at 17:40h, 16 May

      Thank you!
