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March 28, 2025

Pritzker Administration gone wild – Salon operators pay attention; your ship has arrived

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 19, 2020

Illinois (ECWd) –

It appears Illinois Governor Pritzker is in desperate need of new legal counsel as the hits keep coming and there appears to be no end to the door openings for lawyers to file discrimination lawsuits against the Governor.

Many Salon operators may wish to contact Tom DeVore, attorney at law in Greenville, Illinois as it appears clear, many have been discriminated against and the fact pattern parallels those of the fitness center discrimination we covered in this article.  In this case, the facts point to a completely dysfunctional government and it is going to cost the taxpayers of this state a fortune.

Executive Order 32 – Paragraph 7 in part says:

“Healthcare and Public Health Operations. For purposes of this Executive Order, individuals may leave their residence to work for or obtain services through Healthcare aud Public Health Operations.”

“Healthcare and Public Health Operations also includes veterinary care and all healthcare and grooming services provided to animals.”

“Healthcare and Public Health Operations shall be construed broadly to avoid any impacts to the delivery of healthcare, broadly defined. Healthcare and Public Health Operations does not include fitness and exercise gyms, spas, salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors, and similar facilities.”

While many have chimed in with disgust about not being able to get their own hair done while their pet can, the discrimination goes far beyond fluffy and fido.

Note where the EO outlines that Healthcare and Public Health Operations “shall be construed broadly to avoid any impacts to the delivery of healthcare, broadly defined.”  So how broad can we go as it relates to salons, considering it specifically states Healthcare and Public Health Operations does not include salons?

Who knew the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO), was in the business of determining what meets the standard of Healthcare and Public Health Operations?

According to Jason Anderson with Grants Management of DCEO, they have found “hair extensions that go unserviced cause medical complications to the scalp”.  This confirms the first of my knowledge that DCEO was in the business of identifying medical complications of hair extensions.  Who knew servicing hair extensions prevented physical and psychological harm?

Can I make the argument that getting my hair cut (cutting is servicing), prevents physical and psychological harm?

Because of the alleged determination, Anderson cites “Per the executive order, your business, Clean Beauty Boutique, located at 1308 N Cedar Rd, New Lenox, IL, 60451, is allowed to operate per the “Essential Healthcare and Public Health Operations”. (Section 7, page 6)

That would be the same Section 7 page 6 stating Healthcare and Public Health Operations does not include fitness and exercise gyms, spas, salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors, and similar facilities.

So for all those who read the plain language of the Executive Order, which we don’t believe has any weight under Illinois law, you are led to believe Salons are not included as one of those businesses that can operate.

Yet we find DCEO Grant Manager Jason Anderson issuing directives to business owners claiming the EO says something different than what it says and since a particular hair extension service is a function of a particular salon, then they are OK to operate provided they adhere to the COVID protocols laid out in the Governor’s order and set forth by the IDPH.

Salon owners, did you get that? 

Those who service hair extensions get to open their doors provided they adhere to COVID protocols but if you don’t do hair extensions you arr not allowed to open, even if you adhere to the same COVID protocols.  That points to clear discrimination.

One can only wonder when a State Employee working in Grant Management became a voice of authority for hair extensions, but that is for another article.

In light of this amazing medical determination by Jason Anderson with Grant Management, DCEO, we encourage all salon owners to do two things.

  1. Contact Tom Devore – [email protected] (one of his clients is responsible for this article)
  2. Open your doors, following the COVID protocols, and provide hair extension service, which could be something as simple as washing those extensions.  While many will never have a client that walks through their doors to have those extensions serviced, providing such a service, means you could open your doors.

For those that don’t understand the point of this article (they will chime in with comments about people dying for getting their hair done), if one salon can open following COVID protocols, then they all should be able to open.  Restricting opening to only those that provide a specific service is discriminatory.

To see a copy of what may be the most comical communication from a government official, click here or download below.

Hair Extension


.Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we
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  • Glenn Miller
    Posted at 01:32h, 21 May

    First of all. None of this is constitutional… Regardless of this deep dive in the imaginary waters of debate. This is all a farce.. thus the arguments are moot

  • faye
    Posted at 14:52h, 20 May

    when people in the nursing home do not get proper haircare they tend to get criddle cap where if their hair is keep short u can keep ahead of it I know have worked 30years in haircare there also i have a home shop one of my people need a haircut because of medicine need to take care of scalp problem it isn’t just all looks

    • PK
      Posted at 15:13h, 20 May

      Great point!

  • coltswesternshop
    Posted at 00:03h, 20 May

    First, if you neglect your animals you Will be Arrested….for neglect and abuse, however, no one will arrested for Not getting their own hair cut. Animals can overheat and dehydrate and die without their hair being cared for. It’s not just dogs and cats being groomed, it’s all animals. So to compare to a human haircut a Judge should throw this out of court. Animals Cannot completely groom themselves. People can be charged with abuse and neglect if they are not cared for properly. Sheep need sheared to live, many animals can developed rot, tangles that are painful, detrimental ingestion if hair requiring surgical removal. If your a person who is angry your hair isn’t cut a store will sell you clippers, cutters, shears, color etc. Your animals cannot purchase any of these things to care for themselves. It’s time to understand salons can spread the virus, animals are usually groomed by groomers or under Veterinarian care. You dont go to a salon who uses a staff physician to oversee the haircuts. Many places to groom are inside of or affiliated with veterinary clinics. So yes, your inconvenienced but your animals cannot suffer because you envision a simple cat or dog getting a haircut instead of you. Most people cannot clip claws without making their pets bleed. So yes you will get a haircut but pets need care they cannot supply themselves and it has an underlying medical reason.

    • Freddy Matini
      Posted at 07:00h, 20 May

      coltswesternshop…I guess animals back 100-200-300-400 years ago all DIED because of heat stroke?
      Are you really going to stick with that thought and BELIEVE that your liberal way of thinking is even remotely connected to what the article is about…which is the right for a person to work and support their families?
      I have NEVER seen a Veterinarian anywhere CLOSE to the grooming station when animals were being groomed….NEVER,
      I have never seen a beautician or barber kill anyone either.
      I know you are scared because, according to your name, you are trying to justify YOUR business staying open.
      Grow a pair and fight for everyone, just not yourself.

      • Ryan Sapieha
        Posted at 12:17h, 20 May

        Some animals died of heat stoke 100,200 years ago. You asking if ALL died is simply ignorant. 90,000 Americans have died. There would be less death if idiots like yourself didn’t “need” a haircut. Fact.

        • PK
          Posted at 12:56h, 20 May

          What the hell does the time honored practice of bleeding have to do with being ignorant of barber shop quartets?

        • Aaron
          Posted at 13:20h, 20 May

          Question: Did mayor Lightfoot “need” a haircut? And is she an “idiot“?

          Look, Pritzker personifies Illinois government. He is big, bloated, and tyrannical.

          • PK
            Posted at 14:13h, 20 May

            As far as I’m concerned, Chicago’s Mayor had no basis for going out for hair-care, none whatsoever; and I mean anywhere! I do not accept the rationale she gave upon her constituencies call to account either.

          • PK
            Posted at 14:39h, 20 May

            Intense irony surfaced when the legislature sought to put price controls on insulin. I gather the eventual success of that effort benefited some of the Governor’s constituencies but not necessarily his person.

        • [email protected]
          Posted at 19:05h, 20 May

          Surely you don’t believe the numbers Ryan Sapieha ?! If you do believe everything CNN wants you to believe then hit me up…..I’ve got some magic beans to sell you. Use your common sense and think fo yourself. The numbers are bullshit. Healthy people are NOT dying contrary to what the main stream media says. Not to mention anyone who dies these days is being labelled a Covid death regardless. Grow a pair and open your eyes. And all you idiots waiting for a “cure” ?! For what?! Do we look for a cure for the flu every year? Are flu vaccines guaranteed? Wake the fuck up people.

      • coltswesternshop
        Posted at 20:50h, 20 May

        First I am Not Liberal. What party is nonsensical in your comment. And 100 yrs ago we didnt have special breeds nor were there laws on animal welfare. I am Agricultureal and we were Never Closed by the way bc we are Ag which was Federally mandated to stay open. So we actually do Zero grooming. We are a Western Business We have Never been in grooming. I’m just commenting the facts. You may Not like facts but there they are.

      • coltswesternshop
        Posted at 20:50h, 20 May

        We Are a Western Store not any type of Grooming business nor pet store. We a totally were just clarifying facts.

    • Elaine
      Posted at 07:20h, 20 May

      Many clients have developed ingrown toenails because they cannot come get their pedicures. That also creates need for medical care. Y’all non-salon workers have no idea what we do. It’s way more than just a haircut. Educate yourself before you comment. If you are not in the salon industry then this article isn’t even for you, move along.

      • Khia moore
        Posted at 10:26h, 20 May

        We understand you all would like to go to work salon owners, but cut the cramp, its not worth dieing to cut nails and add extensions and cut hair or spreading a virus without a cure. You people are slow. Take the time and get things done at your salons like glass put in to help put your salons to be able to open. The governor actually give a damn about us, unlike other governors that open to soon and guess what numbers increases and deaths.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 08:27h, 20 May

      You missed the point of the article,

    • Nate
      Posted at 09:55h, 20 May

      Did you read any part of the article?

      Imagine writing a paragraph consisting of almost 250 words to defend a point of view that had nothing to do with the article that you were replying to.

  • Diana Fisher
    Posted at 22:19h, 19 May

    Thank you Governor. You are doing a fantastic job. You have put health above economy and got it done with very little help from our nations idiot in chief. Or should I say bigot in chief or lyier in chief.. And for the people that want northern Illinois and Southern Illinois to be 2 states. Go for it. For every dollar that the northern counties give in taxes they get .33 cents back to spend in their counties. For every dollar the southern part of the state pays in taxes they get over 2 dollars back. Have fun funding the schools, hospitals, and fixing all the miles of road and flooding and so on and so on. So your taxes will go up up up. Just like the blue states fund the red states. The red states get way more back for every dollar they put in, more than the blue states get back of their dollars paid for taxes. For the first time we have a president that actually ignored states pleas for help to get supplies to save lives. And he did that so he could give it all to red states, and his buddy putin. Idiot in chief didn’t cause covid. It would have came here anyway. But he caused us to miss 2 months of critical planning so we could get ahead of it and have ample supplies of essential equipment . Propaganda fox Channel did their part in lying to the public. And it cost lives. The orange idiot needs to go. VOTE BLUE IN 2020. Save our democracy. Stop the circus.

    • Chuck Smith
      Posted at 03:33h, 20 May

      And to show how ignorant you are, the United States is not a democracy. It is a republic. Two very different things. But Democrats salivate over it being a democracy because then tyranny can take over.

    • Tuesday wednesday
      Posted at 05:37h, 20 May

      You need to think about agenda 21,socialism and the damnorat agenda,you are losing your freedom of EVERTHING.

    • Cliff
      Posted at 06:46h, 20 May

      You seriously believe the nonsense you wrote? You are part of the problem. You’re watching way to much CNN and MSNBC. News flash, Pritzker putting everyone out of work just cut the states tax intake to shreds. Come April, people wont be able to pay. Cant get money where none exists. You think he’s going to donate money to save tge state? At least Trump is trying to get the economy going again. Pritzker is sending Illinois back to the 1800s.

    • JD Gleason
      Posted at 08:15h, 20 May

      I’m DONOT have you facts correct….and did you know our Gov sits on the board of a few companies related to COVID 19…hmmm…it’s a money thing for him and hypocritical as he and his family enjoy Lake Geneva, WI and Florida. Sure their horses etc need to be cared for but who cares for them when he’s in Illinois? And when he gets a boat speeding ticket, is he caring for his animals/farms? But we have to shelter in homes except for essential business- shopping, medical, caring for someone? This all looks a little fishy to me…and crooked as always in Illinois!

      • Kirk Allen
        Posted at 08:32h, 20 May

        We are still waiting on proof he was in Wisconsin. If you have evidence to support he got a speeding ticket during this lock down please send it.

        • Chuck Smith
          Posted at 12:34h, 20 May

          He said it in one of the daily breifings. He admitted it with his own mouth.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 08:30h, 20 May

      So how is the Governor’s actions a good thing with child abuse, domestic violence, alcoholism, drug abuse, and suicide all on the rise? Please stop with the Trump bashing as this has NOTHING to do with the Federal Government. This is a State problem.

    • [email protected]
      Posted at 19:09h, 20 May

      Diana, you are the QUEEN IDIOT. Congratulations.

  • PK
    Posted at 20:36h, 19 May

    As the crow flies, Clean Beauty Botique is approximately 30 miles from the administrative offices of the Windy City.

  • Jerald F Jacobs
    Posted at 20:27h, 19 May

    There will be a party in Springfield starting tomorrow to welcome back our state reps. and to make them happy to be back in town.

  • Mr brown
    Posted at 20:12h, 19 May

    Jb pritzer does not care about anybody at all all he cares about is himself he owns all these tests that are being given out in a state Illinois he seldom oversees the China Japan and South Korea hes making millions of dollars every day and we are suffering hes making money but the people in Illinois have to suffer it’s time that we all come together and get him out and not vote for him at all to get back in office

  • Ricky Wingerter
    Posted at 19:32h, 19 May

    He had to of inherited his money,the crap that he comes up with and comes out of his mouth would get you a drug test in any company you work for. What time I have left in this world can’t be spent with this much stupid.It’s time to cut the line the fishing is over.

  • John Nelson
    Posted at 18:33h, 19 May

    How do we recall this stupid pos he should be arrested and charged with multiple crimes.

  • D
    Posted at 18:20h, 19 May

    His wife probably has extensions and it’s one of the thing her beauty salon offers, Or maybe she is in Florida so she can play and idiot husband Pritzker won’t lock her down!

  • Krystal Lewis
    Posted at 17:40h, 19 May

    Give us back our state you can keep Chicago!!!!

    • Jeffrey brody
      Posted at 07:11h, 20 May

      I think the whole state should get off of lockdown after Chicago gets off. After all, whosw to say someone from Chicago won’t come to your town and spread covid-19? If Chicago stays on lockdown you stay on lockdown. Haha

  • Ted Hartke
    Posted at 15:47h, 19 May

    I bet you guys would have never thought any of your articles would include discussions about hair extensions……

  • Stan Sirtak
    Posted at 15:37h, 19 May

    Hair extensions require the same amount of touch and manipulation of hair as a hair cut. What is Pritzker missing here?

  • cynthia
    Posted at 15:32h, 19 May

    Does not state how many hair extensions you must provide so with just one extension you are free to open. That’s the way I read it..

  • Ranger
    Posted at 15:03h, 19 May

    I have never heard of this term. Would you please explain, in the context of this article, what a ‘hair extension’ is. In plain, simple and easy-for-men to understand language. I do understand what the word hair means and what the word extension means.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 15:18h, 19 May

      Hair extensions are just as it sounds, an extension to their hair. Google it! There are all kinds of extensions women get for their hair to make it longer, fluffier, thicker, etc.

    • NiteCat
      Posted at 21:47h, 19 May

      Some extensions are sewn into the hair very close to the scalp. They don’t pierce the scalp, but they can’t be removed by the wearer without risk. When those type of extensions are removed, they have to be carefully cut away from the hair they are attached to. Depending on how long they have been attached, even with gentle care & washing they do tangle in the hair. Not for the amateur to remove. And you do need to remove them as they will cause scalp problems if left in too long. They also sell non-professional use extensions at most retail beauty stores that you can add or take out at will. Hope this clarifies why that shop may be categorized the way they have. This is apretty broad door the state has opened for salon owners. I’d jump on it ASAP.

      • PK
        Posted at 23:34h, 19 May

        Thank you much, it does.

      • SMH
        Posted at 00:01h, 20 May

        As a long time wearer of hair extensions, I beg to differ. Yes my hair stylist can remove them, but so can my 27 year old daughter. And in a pinch, I will make my teenage son help me remove my hair extensions. It’s not rocket science. You are simple cutting out thread to remove the hair that has been sewn in with thread. Now I prefer to let my hair stylist do it. But to make this type of distinction and use the reason provided is Crazy. I can go for extensions, that can take hours or I can get to the salon and change my mind and just get a wash and curl that takes less than an hour. I’m breaking the law with a wash and curl? But I’m not breaking the law if I get a full sewn in weave. Nope…not working in my book.

    • Mia PERRY
      Posted at 23:40h, 19 May

      It’s just fake hair added to your real hair. Actually some of it is human hair either way its add it women’s natural hair. I’m thinking medical reasons is why but either way just open them all bk up geesh!

      • SMH
        Posted at 00:14h, 20 May

        Mia Perry. It’s not medical. It’s for cosmetic reasons primarily. Very rarely medical.

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 14:54h, 19 May

    This state is begging for AG Barr to come in and put the hammer down on these illegal and unconstitutional declarations.

    • Alan Berg
      Posted at 21:32h, 19 May

      The message number to DOJ in Washington is 202 514 2000. Barr is game.

      • NiteCat
        Posted at 21:50h, 19 May

        Thanks, I’ll make a call.

  • Dave
    Posted at 14:30h, 19 May

    Pritzker is digging a deeper and deeper hole

    • SMH
      Posted at 00:16h, 20 May

      He needs to make it wider and wider. Sorry. I couldn’t resist….
