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March 28, 2025

JB Pritzer now considering opening equestrian activities – funny how that all works out…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 14, 2020


At Governor Pritzker’s May 13, 2020 “daily” Briefing, a reporter asked him about opening equestrian (horse racing) activities in Illinois, and what that would look like.

In commenting (see video here or below) Pritzker stated that it will open when it is determined there are rules which keep everyone safe and present a plan. ‘Maybe place them in every other stall at the start line’ (what about during the race when they are breathing hard and should-to-shoulder?).

How is it possible to prohibit team sports such as baseball or softball, but permit horse racing and other equestrian activities? What about liquor store and weed shops being labeled as essential, but not churches? No haircuts unless you are the Mayor of Chicago. No high school graduations, but it is fine for the Mayor of Chicago to be present at a Chicago Fire Department graduation ceremony? Essential travel only, unless you are related to the Governor or unless you want to have a car parade for little Johnny’s birthday? Tens or hundreds of people in a big box store, yet unsafe for more than two people in a boat, no matter how large?

The hypocrisy is endless.

We must note that the equestrian related question and answer came a mere 5 days after Team Welles posted a video on their Facebook page (May 9, 2020) that they were excited to be headed back up to Chicago. Did they know something the rest of the state doesn’t know? How convenient to field that question now…

It is also worth mentioning that Governor Pritzker’s daughter rides with Team Welles, is their newest rider, and most recently rode in a competition in February 2020, prior to the stay at home orders, believed to be in Palm Beach, Florida.

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  • Keepinitreal
    Posted at 11:54h, 19 May

    First of all his daughter showing in February was over a month before they shut down the show grounds And the stay at home order was put in place… why is this a problem? Many farms from all over the country go south for WEF. In team Welles defense they were probably referring to coming back to their home base of Chicago not to horse show. Tired of people blowing things so out of proportion.. seriously! Farms just started opening in Illinois allowing owners to come with safety precautions taken the horse industry gets that show season is in limbo just like any other sport or business.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 11:55h, 19 May

      and we mentioned it was prior to the lockdown in the article.

  • Chainz
    Posted at 06:06h, 16 May

    You guys sound ridiculous and he obviously was making a joke. Plus the interviewer asked him what it would look like. He was just answering the mans question.

    • PK
      Posted at 08:50h, 16 May

      The interviewer is the Governor’s spokesperson. She is prompting her boss from questions reporters have which are pooled in advance of being selected. The Governor’s answer was unmistakably serious. Did you just do a ‘Hi ho Silver, away!…or what?

  • Brooke Newton
    Posted at 19:16h, 15 May

    I am a rider and I attend shows regularly during the season. I have a horse who is in full time dressage training and she competes. The idea of horse shows opening up in Illinois makes me really happy. It would be a step towards getting back to my normal life and something I am really looking forward to.

    That said, being able to attend/compete in shows while most people in Illinois can’t even do the most basic of things (like getting a hair cut or going to religious services in person) is truly inequitable. As a rider & horse owner, I cannot support this. It is completely unfair. Just because a business isn’t “essential” to JB doesn’t mean it isn’t essential to someone. Each business in this state is essential to someone and they all must be allowed to open up.

  • Jimmy
    Posted at 09:50h, 15 May

    Considering your report re the governor’s daughter’s equestrian activities and team, coupled with his response, l wonder if that reporter’s question was a planted question? It’s only speculation at this point but if it comes to fruition that equestrian activities are allowed and his daughter / daughter’s team benefits from it then he aught to be reduced to selling hot dogs on a street corner.

  • Don Kenna
    Posted at 06:43h, 15 May

    Can his daughter start trapshooting?

  • Tmorrow
    Posted at 15:39h, 14 May

    Can we sign his daughter up play softball? My daughter really love know if her teams going to get to play thier summer tournments, sinceshe already lost her school ball season. Other states are addressing youth sports and giving them dates they can open but not illinois. These kids need something to look forward to.
