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March 28, 2025

Governor Pritzker – Oath of Office

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On May 25, 2020

Illinois (ECWd) –

Sunday afternoon Illinois Governor Pritzker took to the podium for his daily press briefing and chastised the Legislature for inaction (see video below),  “complete abdication of responsibility”, on a perceived need of an enforcement mechanism for those who do not comply with his edicts. This came after his attempt at circumventing the legislature with an emergency rule criminalizing those who violate his rules which we covered in this article.

Elected officials are required to take an oath of office.  That oath is spelled out in the Illinois Constitution, Article VIII Section 3.

“I do solemnly swear (affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of …. to the best of my ability.” (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

Article V, section 8, of the Illinois Constitution provides that “the Governor shall have the supreme executive power, and shall be responsible for the faithful execution of the laws.”

It is clear, Attorney General Lisa Madigan not only wrote an opinion which clearly puts Pritzker in check, but she also cited the Illinois Supreme Court as the authority in the Buettell V Walker case.  In the Buetell case the high court clearly established that Executive Orders only apply to those in State Government. 

While Pritzker accuses the legislature of a complete abdication of responsibility, it appears the more accurate position is the Governor has completely abdicated his responsibility to his oath of office and faithful execution of laws.

There is no need for further legislation with an enforcement mechanism because there is already an enforcement mechanism.  Its called due process and we wrote about it on March 15th, 2020, when we recognized he was trying to exercise power never given.  That article contained the very enforcement mechanism the legislature found proper.  It turns out the one responsible for that mechanism was none other than former Senator Barack Obama.

When the Illinois Constitution outlines the Governor is responsible for the faithful execution of the laws, that would include case law.  As in the one that clearly outlines Executive Orders only apply to those in state government.

Considering Governor Pritzker has continued to ignore established case law from the Illinois Supreme Court and is exercising power never given under the Constitution, where do the people turn for a mechanism to hold him accountable?   The answer is the Courts, however, anyone who dares question the Governor is automatically labeled as being political, or grandstanding, or in the case of Judge McHaney in Clay County, having a political agenda.

Based on over a million readers this month and comments and conversations from all political spectrums, nothing about holding the Governor accountable is political.  It is about the rule of law and how it is supposed to apply to everyone equally.  Whether it be the business owner being threatened for providing for his family or the Governor refusing to recognize established law from the Illinois Supreme Court, our laws apply to all equally. By all indications, the Governor either has the worst legal advisers in the land or it is he who has a political agenda.  What other reason can there be for ignoring our own high court?

Actions speak louder than words and the Governor’s actions point to a complete disregard for the oath of office he swore to uphold.

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  • Bill Dwyer
    Posted at 11:51h, 26 May

    Licenses are not given by the state, they are sold by the state at a high cost.

  • GW ONE
    Posted at 09:23h, 26 May

    Correct me if I am wrong. In a America, is it not my choice to shelter in place, especially in light of the fact that Pritzker has not kept his oath of office? He’s spent the last 4 months in regular communication with all other Democratic Governors to bankrupt their states and enforce measures geared to remove our liberties. Every state with extreme lock down orders is run by a Democrat – everyone of them. Each of these States is financially and morally bankrupt. Their strategy, get the Federal government to bail them out with billions of dollars. Isn’t it puzzling that Illinois has a 40B budget for 2021, and calls it austere? It’s high time to Recall Pritzker.

  • Stacy
    Posted at 09:01h, 26 May

    Awww, the King of Illinois is upset the legislature that his party has the overwhelming majority in isn’t even backing his authoritarian, constitution breaking ways.

  • Lyn P
    Posted at 13:03h, 25 May

    Desperation of a tyrant exposed is hard to cover and I await the implosion of his whole facade. Worst Gov in IL history and in the current race for worst in U.S.

  • PK
    Posted at 13:02h, 25 May

    In the video, which person communicated more effectively with less gesturing? As for the impact of the Governor’s partisan wreeking, it probably pained her to translate his view of the ‘opposite party’ with an individual’s right to vote. “Opposite party” being of at least one of the Governor’s previous daily updates.

  • Terry
    Posted at 11:28h, 25 May

    I liked this sign at one of the protests. “If you let me go back to my job, I’ll give you a dozen donuts.” He doesn’t look like he has turned down too many offers like that.

  • Dave
    Posted at 11:04h, 25 May

    “What other reason can there be for ignoring our own high court?” Judge shopping….

    • James Keller
      Posted at 11:42h, 25 May

      One vote per legally registered American is actually the goal of the Republican party. The Democrats would like to see supporters, if they have any, to vote early and often. In Illinois it probably won’t matter as no matter how the vote truly is, it will never be counted correctly. Our state is one of the most corrupt in the nation. I’m ashamed of Illinois, it use to be a fairly decent place to live but I’m afraid it will never be again.

  • Stan
    Posted at 10:53h, 25 May

    He is a typical Democrat. When faced with facts, they blame the other side. Straight out of the Communist book. Deflect. Blame others. Never take responsibility.

  • Paul Nimz
    Posted at 10:43h, 25 May

    I bet he colors his hair.

  • Dave
    Posted at 10:42h, 25 May

    The Governor may not criminalize the exercise of our constitutionally protected rights listed in the Illinois Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

    • Aaron
      Posted at 12:15h, 25 May

      how can we criminalize denial of rights ?
