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March 3, 2025

Gov Pritzker’s response to the U.S. Supreme Court on the Churches’ Emergency Motion –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 29, 2020

Illinois (ECWd)

As predicted, the Governor, in its introduction of the response sent to the United States Supreme Court, stated the Emergency Order was to expire on May 29, and after that date “religious gatherings will no longer be subject to mandatory restrictions.”

See our article on Pritzker’s announcement on religious services HERE.

Pritzker argued since restrictions are no longer applicable, the Church’s challenge to the EO is Moot, and for that reason alone, their Emergency Motion should be denied.

Feel free to read the detailed 57-page filing (here or below).


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  • Pritzker is evil
    Posted at 18:36h, 29 May

    It appears that Kavanaugh was the judge assigned, and it also appears that he decided not to take the case “without prejudice” meaning the churches can re-file if Pritzker comes back later to extend the order and again restrict churches. I’m very surprised that he didn’t take this given the governor’s comments previously. Sad day, I was hoping they would take the case and broadly rule his order unconstitutional. If anyone hears something different please update.

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 11:24h, 29 May

    The Governor had no intention of allowing religious services to begin on May 29 so this case should go forward if for no other reason than to remind him he is not omnipotent in his interpretation state epidemic statutes. IL has 2 statutes, IEMA and IDPH. He’s been using the IEMA natural disaster statute which does not specifically address epidemics, only the “general health” of state residents during a natural disaster. It’s the IDPH statute that limits his authority to 30 days and give the authority to local and county health departments to manage an epidemic using the statutes protocols. The protocols are very specific when trying to confine a person or entity. The person or entity must VOLUNTARILY comply when informed, if not, the county or municipality must go to court and get and order for the quarrantine.

  • Tracey L Baker
    Posted at 08:57h, 29 May

    It should really continue in for two reasons. First his intent per previous writings shows he was going beyond the May 29th date and second his EO was illegal to begen with. However knowing our legal system this will be dismissed and he will claim a non loss court case and a “see I was doing the right thing PR stance. Loose again Illinois residents. All this mess will be meaningless because by the time any real court cases come into play the Phase in plan will be over.
