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March 28, 2025

Disregard for Life: Was Gov Pritzker talking about Rep Bailey or Rep DeLuca?

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 21, 2020

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) –

At the end of Governor Pritzker’s Daily Briefing, he chastised State Representative Darren Bailey’s choice to not wear a mask on the House Floor by assuming he was a risk to others.  The Governor does not “know” if Baily is a risk to others yet chose to chastise him for putting others at risk.  This is the same failed logic the Governor tried to apply through the IDPH emergency rule to close businesses and make criminals out of people simply providing for their families, all without any facts they are a risk.

After the House voted to mandate wearing a mask, Rep Bailey was escorted out of the building for refusing.

However, more than an hour after Rep Bailey was removed, Rep Anthony DeLuca was seen on the camera for more than 10 minutes without a mask on while talking on his phone, talking to others, and reading papers or using his computer.

Do rules not apply to all?  Considering we see rules being applied differently for certain businesses as we covered here and here, the answer is no.  That should scare everyone.

It should be noted there were others who were seen not wearing a mask as well yet the House Majority only voted to throw out Representative Bailey.  The hypocrisy is alive and well in Springfield.

It makes us wonder if Governor Pritzker would use those same words towards Representative DeLuca?

We made a video to say it for him – Rep Bailey was escorted out around the 38-minute mark of the House video, and this started at about the 1 hour 44-minute mark of the same video (see it unedited here):


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  • Eddie
    Posted at 13:05h, 23 May

    Rep. DeLuca rocks!

  • Janet Mohrman
    Posted at 16:06h, 21 May

    I second that, Pete Pivo! Social engineering project aka 5G!

  • Slightly Sightful
    Posted at 15:06h, 21 May

    He presumed everything about Bailey, except innocence. His Majesty presumed people would just do what they were told, as he disregarded consequence. #presumtuousprickster #illinoisillision #stateofillision

  • Rodney Nelson
    Posted at 13:05h, 21 May

    One argument that has been advanced about loose fitting and home masks is that they neither prevent the release of aerosols by a speaker nor prevent the inhalation of aerosols/droplets by the listener. But masks create unfounded confidence that the 6 foot perimeter “social distancing” can be violated. Numerous examples can be found in the video. See in the right lower quadrant during the DeLuca 10 minutes maskless period that an animated woman is speaking in close proximity to a older gentleman during the entire sequence.

  • MrJM
    Posted at 12:10h, 21 May

    His is still hanging on his right ear because he took it down to drink water.

    It’s very obvious.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 19:12h, 21 May

      Yes, because everyone takes a 10+ minute drink. Yes it is obvious.

  • PK
    Posted at 10:45h, 21 May

    “You just heard a doctor tell you why…”

    In the first place, according to the executive office, the initial shipment of surgical masks received by the state in March were of the wrong type. That’s precisely why the UU Governor of Illinois doesn’t ever don one while facing the press.

  • kathy
    Posted at 10:14h, 21 May

    Yes, the new Planned Parenthood clinic just erected sadly doesn’t fall in line with his definition of “callous disregard for life.”

  • Sarah
    Posted at 10:06h, 21 May

    Is it me or does Pritzker look like Jabba the Hut more and more each day?

    • Jason Taylor
      Posted at 10:50h, 21 May
  • Lyn P
    Posted at 09:53h, 21 May

    Can we get a LIKE feature for comments here? GW One and Pete Pivo

    • Janet
      Posted at 23:03h, 22 May

      I second that. 🙂

    Posted at 09:48h, 21 May

    Please stop! Obviously Rep DeLuca has de-activated his corona-virus droplet exhaling mechanism and has a sign stating that on his desk. You just can’t seen the sign in the video. That’s why nobody walking by or sitting directly in front of him is concerned. They can see his sign.

  • GW One
    Posted at 09:43h, 21 May

    When it comes to callous disregard, Governor, you get the Emmy. When it comes to hypocrisy, Governor, you get the Oscar, I guess you don’t know Rep. DeLuca? By the way, Governor, did you bother to see how many Reps removed their masks after Session was under way? And Governor, since you have permanently extinguished 60% of small business in Illinois, what is your definition of callous disregard? Please Governor, tell us, because we deserve the truth.

  • Pete Pivo
    Posted at 09:21h, 21 May

