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October 19, 2024

Illinois Governor Pritzker – The king has no clothes

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On April 17, 2020

Illinois (ECWd) –

It’s time to once again expose why we believe many parts of the numerous Executive Orders the Governor has issued are outside his authority.

Statutory construction is the foundation for our position, and simply reading the powers given supports the position the Governor invoked powers never given.

The specific powers granted to the Governor are found in section 7, specifically, we need to look at paragraph (1) :

(1) To suspend the provisions of any regulatory statute prescribing procedures for conduct of State business, or the orders, rules and regulations of any State agency, if strict compliance with the provisions of any statute, order, rule, or regulation would in any way prevent, hinder or delay necessary action, including emergency purchases, by the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, in coping with the disaster.

The only power given to the Illinois Governor regarding statutes is found in the above provision and it is very clear those powers are limited to those statutes that are regulatory statutes that prescribe procedures for the conduct of State Business, orders, rules, and regulations of State agencies but only if strick compliance their provisions would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action to include emergency purchases, by IEMA in coping with the disaster.

The question that must be asked, does the statutes the Governor is suspending in his Executive Orders fit the very narrow limitations found in paragraph 7(1) of his powers granted during an emergency.  The other key question that must be asked, how do the statutes being suspended hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

States Statutes and regulations the Governor has suspended through Executive Orders:

  • March 12, 2020 – Executive Order #3 – Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act, 410 ILCS 705 – deadline for submission of craft grower license applications is extended to March 30, 2020; the deadline for submission of infuser license applications is extended to March 30, 2020; the deadline for submission of transporter license applications is extended to March 30, 2020

Can anyone explain how deadlines for submissions for Cannabis-related matters would hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

Can anyone explain how sick leave rules hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

Can anyone explain how changing definitions in our laws, suspending board approvals or suspending public hearings and applicable notices to teachers and staff would hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster? We note that the powers given say nothing about changing definitions in our laws.

We covered the limitations of this EO in these articles here and here, that included supporting documentation from the Liquor Control Commission.  Additionally, the suspension of portions of the Open Meetings Act has nothing to do with the IEMA exercising their powers nor does it hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster.

Can anyone explain how any of these statutes, especially the Illinois Government Ethics Act, hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

  • March 19, 2020 – Executive Order #9 – Creates new definitions for legally defined terms in 215 ILCS 5; Suspend statutory limitations pursuant to Section 5 of Illinois’ Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Confidentiality Act- disclosure prohibitions and written consent provisions 740 ILCS 110.  Suspend license reinstatement requirements for Medical Practice, 225 ILCS 60/21,

Again, nothing in the law provides the Governor with the power to create new definitions for established laws and it should concern us all that license reinstatement requirements for Medical Practice are being suspended. We welcome an explanation of how these matters hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster

  • March 20, 2020 – Executive Order #10  – Believed to be the most controversial order of those issued, now contains a disclaimer not found in the others.  “If any provision of this Executive Order or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this invalidity does not affect any other provision or application of this Executive Order, which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application. To achieve this purpose, the provisions of this Executive Order are declared to be severable.”

Instructs all state, county, and local law enforcement officers in the State of Illinois are instructed to cease enforcement of orders of eviction for residential premises for the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation and cites 20 ILCS 3305/7(2), (8), and (10) as the authority.

Nothing in those three provisions provides for such power.  We suspect the reason for the disclaimer in this EO is because there are numerous orders that clearly could be challenged as unconstitutional and or at a minimum ruled illegal as they are outside the scope of the powers given and they know it.  Enforcement of eviction notices does not hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster.

Can anyone explain how licensing requirements for daycare homes or inmate release hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

  • March 24, 2020 – Executive Order #12 – suspends provisions in the Healthcare Worker Background Check Act, 225 ILCS 46/33(g) that prohibit an individual from being hired to work as a certified nursing assistant if they have been inactive on the Health Care Worker Registry are suspended if the individual;  Suspends the provision in the Health Care Worker Background Check Act, 225 ILCS 46/33(l) limiting conditional employment of certified nursing assistants to 3 months pending the results of a fingerprint-based criminal history record check is suspended; Suspends Department of Juvenile Justice notification requirements to the State’s Attorneys prior to a youths target release date 730 ILCS 5/3-2.5-85.

Not sure how background checks of our health workers hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster, let alone notifying proper authorities about releasing criminal juveniles.

Can anyone explain how those to be transferred from county jail to IDOC would hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

Can anyone explain how notary laws hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster? Where in the Governor’s Powers does it permit him to create new provisions within current law?

Can anyone explain how suspending the requirements for bids to be open in a public meeting hinders or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

  • March 26, 2020 – Executive Order #16 – Suspends provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code, 810 ILCS 5/9-609, regarding the possession or usability of a vehicle, and the provisions of the Illinois Vehicle Code, 625 ILCS 5/3-114, regarding the repossession of vehicles; Creates new law regarding any training required pursuant to the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004 may be completed through online instruction.

Who knew the usability of a vehicle or its repossession hinders or delays necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?  Note the private detective related order is not a suspension of any statute but rather a creation of a new law, a power not given to the Governor in the EM Act.

Can anyone explain how deadlines for submissions for Cannabis-related matters would hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?  Considering there are three such deadline extensions, it is clear it has nothing to do with the IEMA coping with the disaster, making the order invalid in our opinion.

  • March 26, 2020 – Executive Order #20 – Suspends relevant minimum security requirements established by the Department of Central Management Services for applications for public assistance and suspends the requirement to provide an audio recording of their verbal attestation during a telephone application for public assistance benefits; Specifically, the requirement of the Electronic Commerce Security Act at 5 ILCS 175/25-101(c) that all rules adopted by a State agency shall include relevant minimum security requirements established by the Department of Central Management Services.

So does the Governor want us to believe key requirements that are in place to prevent fraud in public assistance programs hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

While the public is being told to shelter in place, the Governor releases criminals that are already sheltered in place.  How are the current laws for furloughs hindering or delaying necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

  • April 7, 2020 – Executive Order #22 – Suspended the Annual Township Meeting requirements – 60 ILCS 1/30-5(a) and 30-5(b); Suspends funeral director and embalmer intern licensure 225 ILCS 41/10-35 stating that no license of a funeral director and embalmer intern shall be renewed more than twice, is suspended; Suspends requiring that the transportation of deceased human remains to a cemetery, crematory or other place of final disposition shall be under the immediate direct supervision of a licensee 225 ILCS 41/1-15 and 225 ILCS 41/1-20; Suspends the definition of “child” under Section 2.01 of the Child Care Act of 1969, 225 ILCS 10/2.01; Suspends the time frame that designated students, applicants, and employees must have their fingerprints collected electronically and transmitted to the Illinois Department of State Police as part of the background check obligations 225 ILCS 46/33(e);

Suspending the Annual Township Meeting effectively stripped people of their right to vote as outlined in the Township Code. The Township Code has nothing to do with IEMA coping with the disaster nor would the annual township meeting hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster in any way. How is the suspension of license requirements related to the deceased, funeral directors and embalmer interns as well as transportation of the deceased a matter that involves IEMA coping with the disaster?  And once again, background checks are being suspended even though such requirements do not hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster.

Why on earth would any portion of a statute dealing with an employee as a perpetrator of abuse be suspended?  Why are laws related to mental health issues in the code of criminal procedures being suspended?  How do those laws hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster?

While we understand the financial hardship created on many during this disaster, those provisions in no way hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster.

While the law provided narrow limitations for the Governor to suspend applicable statutes, nowhere does it provide him the power to direct a State Agency to exercise discretion for the laws those agencies are bound by.  Considering the Hospital Report Card Act states “The General Assembly finds that Illinois consumers have a right to access information about the quality of health care provided in Illinois hospitals in order to make better decisions about their choice of health care provider”, we find suspending such a law a violation of the consumer’s rights to access this information. Nevermind the fact the obligations outlined in that act do not hinder or delay necessary action by the IEMA in coping with the disaster.

We fully understand the intent behind “some” of the Executive Orders, it is clear the Governor has exercised powers not found in the Illinois Emergency Act in our opinion and the opinion of numerous attorney’s in this state.  The proper way to expand on such powers would have been to have the legislature address such needed changes and pass them through the General Assembly.

We suspect when this disaster is behind us we will see drastic changes to the Illinois Emergency Management Act as it is clear there are numerous amendments that are needed to properly deal with an emergency like the one currently taking place. We also suspect we will see numerous lawsuits against the Governor when the disaster is behind us.

Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we ask that you consider donating at the below link.


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  • Debbie
    Posted at 06:55h, 26 April

    Thank you for your insightful article. Unfortunately there are a lot of ignorant people in Illinois who don’t understand the importance of lawful governance and the danger of ignoring overreaching politicians. Isn’t that what keeps us in the state we’re in, evident by some of the preceding comments. Lincoln would be sad people! Pritzger is just another in a long line of fake saviors.
    Keep up the good work Watchdogs, as there are those who depend on and appreciate your work.

  • Slightly Sightful
    Posted at 17:32h, 19 April

    Unlike the ECWd’s, I it is my belief that the Governor has overstepped his charge. I would say it if it were a Republican Governor exerting force to shelter in place. Government has only one duty, architecturally that is too keep us free. Everything beyond that is an overreach. I am not aiming to reject any validity of the SARS 2 Coronavirus. I really don’t believe that my or my fellow’s liberty is predicated on, nor is there any precedent to restrict my Liberty without the full exercise of due process. Let me reiterate that the KING, not only has no clothes, but he has an abundance of subjects willing to join his parade, because they worship men and women, and have little room for faith in any deity. Men sell everything from salvation to slavery, snake oils to skunk oils, but all of us, including the salesmen, are going to expire. That is, unless Christ arrives and finds us worthy. God Bless.

  • Jim
    Posted at 15:02h, 19 April

    I have to ask; so have you gentlemen contacted the governor’s office about the issues? What were their answers? I would think that JB is following the advice of his legal team. Are you prepared to petition the Illinois Supreme Court regarding your issues or are you just stirring the pot. COVID 19 is real and it is deadly. That’s enough for me and any advice/help JB can provide me is ok by me. We can sort it all out afterwards. Just for the record I’m a conservative, didn’t vote for him. Be safe, act safe people

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 15:10h, 19 April

      Yes. Contacted the office several times. No answers.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 19:30h, 19 April

      His office has refused to answer a single question to date. As far as petitioning the Illinois Supreme Court, that is not how the the system works. A case must first be brought by a person who has standing in Circuit Court. The only way a case gets to the Illinois Supreme court is if they lose at the circuit level, appeal to the Appellate Court and lose their, then they petition the Supreme court that may or may not take the case.

  • James Kilduff
    Posted at 07:22h, 19 April

    I think Governor JBP will look good in prison orange, can’t wait for the Feds to get him put away. Is he keeping us safe? I think he just enjoys listening to himself putting on his S**t Show. My taxes have gone up and my property value has gone down. Wake of Illinois send the machine in Chicago that we want our state back.

  • Lesly Stambaugh
    Posted at 21:35h, 18 April

    I, for one, am glad he did not go to the legislature on March 12th with Executive Order #3 and each one after that or most of us would be dead by now. You know that our legislature can’t agree on anything and all have their own reasons for it; most selfish ones. I think we are fortunate to have this governor. He listens to his advisors, the scientists and picks what he thinks is best for his family as well as the rest of us. He is absorbed in this issue, for which we are fortunate. He is very knowledgeable on the issues that have come up, but still relies on his subordinates to comment. They seem to agree with what he is saying, which is a lot more than we can say for our President. He listens to the questions and answers them. If there is any question about the answer, he tries to disgrace and shame the person questioning him. I think we are pretty lucky to have someone who truly cares about Illinois and all of us living here.

  • Linda
    Posted at 14:07h, 18 April

    I wish our Governor was as protective as the Illinois Governor. He is trying to protect the lives of citizens plain and simple. The Missouri Governor is trying to please Trump, not his constituents. Trump is trying to win an election and that is all. Be glad you have a Governor who cares about the livelihood of the people of Illinois.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 15:13h, 18 April

      The Governor of Illinois is looking out for his own interests in this matter, dont be fooled.

    • PK
      Posted at 16:21h, 18 April

      Excuse me please. Missouri state parks administration have more depth than to close all state parks for any and all activity. From here since 1973, that seems full of care.

    • PK
      Posted at 20:42h, 23 April

      According to various news agencies, certain Illinois State parks have been selected to open for daytime activities on May 1. There will be more than five state parks left closed in Illinois at that time. As such, the Show Me state promotes better livelihood.

  • Trish D.
    Posted at 13:52h, 18 April

    I found that article really muddled and hard to get through. Not because I didn’t agree and not because I didn’t understand it; simply because it was long winded and very redundant. Yes, I get it- you don’t think the Governor has the power to do what he did/ is doing. This is a pandemic and he’s trying to save lives. He’s doing what he thinks to be right and that, of course, will ruffle some feathers. See how quickly I just summed up all of the lists, bullet points and regurgitation that you worded up to increase your paycheck for this article?

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 15:15h, 18 April

      Our goal was to document the orders and while we know it was a long article, there is no paycheck for writing and posting articles as we do not get paid. Sorry to burst that bubble.

    • Rodney Nelson
      Posted at 18:49h, 18 April

      When all this Covid-19 conundrum started there was a national concern about the explosion in vaping related deaths to high concentration THC. The first Covid-19 Executive Order extended the deadline for marijuana licenses. J.B.P. first used his “emergency powers” to potentially increase the number of respiratory illness in Illinois. Certainly this was a blatant self serving political move. Who were the “scientists” upon whom J.B.P. relied upon to issue this Executive Order?

    • Judy
      Posted at 16:23h, 09 May

      Totally agree. Well said.

  • Cindy
    Posted at 11:04h, 18 April

    You don’t seem to understand the current health emergency- the governor is acting swiftly to prevent people from spreading or getting a highly contagious virus that causes death and permanent lung damage to many that survive – and you think he should be sued for that? Looks like you can continue your “job” as a writer safely at home.

    • Cindy
      Posted at 14:10h, 18 April

      THAT is a FAKE CINDY. The real Cindy would NEVER EVER say such nonsense. Will these people go to no end to promote their hoax parade?

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 15:16h, 18 April

      Safely at home? Like the court case we went to the other day to expose the Mayor who lied and plead the 5th? We understand the situation but that does not justify violating our laws. There is a process that could have been followed and he ignored it.

  • Ellen
    Posted at 10:04h, 18 April

    I believe the Governor has done an excellent job of leading Illinois through this pandemic. Nothing would get done by the legislature. Someone needed to provide leadership and he has.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 15:18h, 18 April

      WRONG. He needed to call the legislature back to pass applicable amendments to our laws rather than dictating outside the law.

  • Laura
    Posted at 09:43h, 18 April

    We are in a state of emergency this gives the governor the right to have full authority of what we can and can not do specifically to protect the people from what lays ahead .

    This sort of article is ridiculous to try and stir up the people or to try and suit government – get a life

    I’m happy but mostly thankful what P has done for us , he is stood up protecting us from people like the ones writing this article . Thank you gov Pritzker for for protecting us against people who only cares about how much money they’ve lost in stocks and their investments, It’s not always about money people – “ it’s about saving lives” – get it ?

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 15:18h, 18 April

      Wrong, he only has the power outlined in the law and he has violated that.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 15:20h, 18 April

      And for the record, This article has NOTHING to do with stocks or investments. This article has nothing to do about money. It has to do with the law, which he is not following.

  • Matthew Wellings
    Posted at 08:05h, 18 April

    . I still don’t get why he closed all state parks and wildlife areas. It feels like he make up these stuff as he listen to his staff When he first closed down Illinois. We able do the necessary things then Came social distancing now he want to were face mask. I don’t why he always in Chicago there are more counties he go see how were doing. I think all this rules were meant in first place for Chicago.but then they go thrown to another counties in Illinois. Governor pritzker another rich person running Illinois.

  • Nashman
    Posted at 00:54h, 18 April

    It’s all very simple, we don’t want to spread this killer virus, what’s so hard to understand about that?

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 07:06h, 18 April

      No one is questioning the intent. We even said that in the article. We are questioning the overreach. The legislature should have been called back to address the issues and passed appropriate amendments into law.

      • Deb flude
        Posted at 09:21h, 18 April

        You need to sign up at the local nursing home where we are losing an entire generation to your ignorance

        • Kirk Allen
          Posted at 15:21h, 18 April

          Oh really? Is that different than my responding to ambulance calls as an EMT during this emergency? What part of the article was not accurate?

    • Artlb923
      Posted at 10:25h, 18 April

      I have no problem stopping the spread of the virus if there is no politics is involved. Sorry to say their are some leftists taking advantage of the situation.

  • Dave
    Posted at 20:45h, 17 April

    I believe (20 ILCS 3305/7) is unlawful. Any power given to the governor to suspend law must be in the Illinois state constitution. It is the people who grants the govt authority, not the arrogant state legislature!

    • A. Lincoln
      Posted at 21:41h, 17 April

      Which is a hallmark of a republic and one of the attributes that distinguishes it from a democracy.
