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March 14, 2025

IL. Governor JB Pritzker sued by State Representative Darren Bailey –

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On April 23, 2020

Illinois (ECWd)

Illinois State Representative Darren Bailey, in his individual capacity, has filed a lawsuit against Governor JB Pritzker today shortly after Pritzker’s daily press conferance.   The complaint seeks an injunction from enforcement of the March 20, 2020, Executive Order citing such order goes beyond the 30-day limitation outlined in the Emergency Management Act.

Along with the complaint is a verified motion for a restraining order and preliminary injunction against the Governor. Along with those filings is a Legal Brief in support of the filings.

We urge everyone to download the files and review to better understand the action that was taken.  We understand there are more lawsuits coming along the same lines and will update accordingly if and or when they are filed.

Download the filings here, here, and here or view below.



Verified Motion


Legal Brief


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  • J P
    Posted at 12:08h, 28 April

    In taking this action against Gov. Pritzker, who is diligent in trying to keep us safe, you must be hoping your family & loved ones are FIRST IN LINE to get Covid 19.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 12:27h, 28 April

      How do you equate people standing up for their constitutional rights to them wanting to have their family and loves ones first in line to get COVID-19? Is it possible that people simply want their rights protected and laws followed? I dont think anyone in their right mind would want their family to get sick, nor do I support giving up our rights based on clear misinformation coming out of the government.

  • Lisa
    Posted at 09:58h, 28 April

    How do we jump on board lawsuit?

    I love Bailey! Sexiest Man in Illinois! Lol

  • nan weiss
    Posted at 20:57h, 27 April

    Please let us life a normal life or we all will get sick from BEING LOCKED UP NOWHERE TO GO. PARKS CLOSED DOWN..We need to look for work to pay our bills or we will all by homeless in a short period of time.

    Posted at 16:18h, 27 April


    • Birgit christy
      Posted at 20:51h, 27 April

      Rep. Baily and Chief Judge Michael McHaney….please, please let us get back to lead a normal life. It has been proven by Emergency Room Doctors (who by the way, have empty rooms and hospitals are empty) that locking healthy people up, and we have been locked up for 6 weeksl, weakens the immunue system of a healthy person and we will get sick if we don’t return to a normal life.
      Please look at video in you tube: Dr. Erickson COVID-19 briefing…done 4 days ago. this video spealls out everything that I am trying to say..
      Please, please let us start living a normal life, go back to work,earn money in orde to pay bills and so on. Sweden had no lock down and there are no unusual cases of sick people. By the way, Dr.Erickson said that from 100 people diagnosed with COVID-19 only 4 died and THEY HAD UNDERLYING CONDITIONS. During the flue season of 1917 to 1918 more people died from the flue than this time around from Corovirus.

  • Ernest Adams
    Posted at 16:37h, 26 April

    I would like to say thanks again to Mr Bailey for getting the report about governor Pritzker that over extended the illinois stay at home order.

  • Ernest Adams
    Posted at 14:37h, 26 April

    Also this was the chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot’s fault she was the one the expected Pritzker to over extend the illinois stay at home order this was really sad.

    • Ernest Adams
      Posted at 14:41h, 26 April

      I have a god son was suppose to be graduating this year may 24th and he is 18 years old.

    • Ernest Adams
      Posted at 16:06h, 26 April

      The chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot don’t have no right to have Governor JB Pritzker over extending the illinois stay at home order. We are ready to resume back to normal and get our freedom back

      • Ernest Adams
        Posted at 16:24h, 26 April

        We need our children back in school and we need people back to work.

      • Ernest Adams
        Posted at 21:37h, 26 April

        That is what the problem was.

    • jesusfishfood
      Posted at 20:38h, 27 April

      THAT’S what hacked me off; Lightfoot’s done this twice in a row. Once around the end of the initial order in early April, and again just before the latest announcement. As mayor of Chicago, she has neither standing nor right to be able to make these statements to the press, because they seem to be seen as a oral contract by the Governor.

  • Ernest Adams
    Posted at 11:45h, 26 April

    JB Pritzker need to do better.

  • Ernest Adams
    Posted at 11:43h, 26 April

    Will be praying that this virus get out of our state.

  • shawa
    Posted at 14:34h, 25 April

    If I am hearing this correctly, its more of a demand of the governor to follow the legal procedure.

    The big problem for non-doomers out here is this argument, if successful, just brings us to the next stage: holding an overwhelming ILGA vote in support of the shutdowns.

    I guess that’s important on principle, but doesn’t get us to a point where our economy is not continuing to be destroyed by these risk-averse leaders.

  • Mags
    Posted at 20:43h, 24 April

    Yes _ Thanks for all you guys are doing. Hopefully it will pay off!! Much appreciated.

  • Ernest Adams
    Posted at 19:27h, 24 April

    I would like to say thanks again for reporting this issue on the illinois governor this is really sad that he overextended the illinois stay at home order it is hard for us to get stuck at home we need theme parks to open for the summer. People want to go to the movies. We need all places to reopen. Also we want museums and zoos in illinois to open. We need to be on our toes. The governor is putting too much extension to the illinois stay at home order this problem need to be solve thanks.

  • Ernest Adams
    Posted at 17:41h, 24 April

    Thanks for reporting it is too much extension to the illinois stay at home order. We need to really get busy and stay focus we need to get into the churches in the state of illinos people need to get back to work and kids need to be in school we want back our freedom

  • Elizabeth A Brown
    Posted at 08:44h, 24 April

    Good work! Haven’t read it all yet but noticed # 7 lists Cole County and #23 says Clay County. Probably will get thrown out on a typo.

    • Kirk Allen
      Posted at 08:57h, 24 April

      They do not throw cases out for they type of scribners error and it is being addressed according to Rep. Bailey.

  • jannie
    Posted at 08:36h, 24 April

    I don’t know – legally whether his order is correct – I believe he’s trying to do what he thinks is safe/good for the state with the info he’s given. If he didn’t care he’d open everything up and let the chips (or bodies) fall where they may to keep the economy hopping.
    I find the whole virus thing strange – I know it’s making a mess of my local small businesses – but I hear of people who have gotten together in large groups which is stupid, so I guess I’m with the gov. this time – though another month is way long.

  • Gayelynn Galgano
    Posted at 08:21h, 24 April

    YES YES YES!!!! WE need to stand up for our constitutional rights! LETS HOPE THIS WORKS!

  • Dave
    Posted at 08:05h, 24 April


  • PK
    Posted at 22:00h, 23 April

    Cavalier JB now bridled James Robert in the Illinois 4th.

  • Joseph Bianchi
    Posted at 21:37h, 23 April

    Yes! Thanks for reporting this Kirk! Finally- someone is putting this overreaching power hungry man in check! I hope he ends up like the last several governors IN JAIL!
