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March 29, 2025

Shelby County – Private legal bills continue!

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 25, 2020

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

We outlined in this article how the Shelby County Board continued with its improper practice of using a private attorney rather than using the one the taxpayers are already paying for.

Since that article, we have confirmed, yet again, the action of a county board hiring an attorney is not legal.  The recent confirmation comes from discussions with State Representatives in the General Assembly.  More on that in another article.

Normally when a matter is identified and proven to be illegal, the practice is stopped.  Not the case in Shelby County.

Yet another legal bill has arrived for services on January 21, 2020.  Of interest is who asked for this work to be done?  Why was a lawyer needed to do it?

“put together chart regarding comparable county population, household income, medial home values and per capita income -1.25 hrs -$243.75” (Invoice)

With 22 elected County Board members and a State’s Attorney already getting paid by the taxpayers and is required to be the legal adviser to the County Board, did they really need to ask an outside lawyer to put together a chart regarding comparable county population, household income, medial home values, and per capita income?

Anyone with any sense of how to use Google could put this together in short order.  Don’t take my word for it, try yourself at this link.

I guess having those already getting paid to do this would be asking too much, nevermind the fact the attorney has no business doing any work for the county under the current circumstance.

When laws are ignored it’s time to vote people out!

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1 Comment
  • Paul K.
    Posted at 21:21h, 25 February

    To wit?

    ‘Oh…and before the next board meeting, could you put together a chart with the prevailing wage research noted on last years invoice?’
