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March 28, 2025

Rep. Anne Stava-Murray: Class 3 felony for using “fake media” during campaign

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On February 19, 2020

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) –

In a Bill that would instantly be struck down by the Supreme Court if enacted, Illinois State Representative Anne Stava-Murray apparently wishes to charge people with a Class 3 felony for using photoshopped imagery in a State or local election.

“Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Election Code. Provides that a person is guilty of a Class 3 felony for knowingly using cheap fake (photo shopped imagery that implies a situation occurred that did not happen) or deep fake media (the use of artificial intelligence to create inauthentic photographs or videos of a person) in a State or local election. Effective immediately.”

We predict this Bill will never see the light of day as it infringes on the first amendment, but we report on it to inform the public of the attempts by their legislators to legislate their first amendment rights, among others.
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  • Bob Sloat
    Posted at 14:21h, 21 February

    I posted this on Anne’s FB page earlier today. It is ironic that the last sentence of my post is also a banner on her FB page – without the parenthetical:

    Your proposed HB 5321 is a remarkable show of ignorance of 1st Amendment protections prohibiting abridging the freedom of speech by government. There is no way you can regulate speech you don’t like. Many citizens troll politicians and in creative ways make fun of those wanting political correctness as a law. All class 3 felonies per your proposed bill.
    I am 1/2 Russian and a citizen and plan to interfere in elections in the future by exercising my inalienable rights of free speech, peaceful assembly and petitioning government for redress of grievances. What other laws will you propose to try to control speech? How about anti-blasphemy legislation or sexual orientation hate speech regulation on citizens for starters.
    The power of the people is stronger than the people in power (like you).

  • Ricky
    Posted at 08:20h, 21 February

    Can you imagine the idiot that would marry this dope

  • Tasha
    Posted at 19:27h, 20 February

    Anne has stated on social media that, as an “adult”, she still takes medication for PTSD because she was bullied in third grade for wearing glasses and reading books. When she arrived in Springfield for her orientation as a new congressthing, she claims she was groped by A VERY HIGH RANKING member of her political party. As a response to this alleged outrage, she threatened to resign her office (BEFORE taking the oath) and run against Dick Durbin for his US senate seat. (“THAT’ll show ’em!” she thought) Some Democrat women’s caucus members pried her acrylic fingernails off the ceiling and circled the wagons around her–partly to keep her safe from the mean man who clapped her on the shoulder during that orientation meeting, and partly to contain her special brand of crazy. She is a HIGHLY SENSITIVE person. In addition to her high sensitivity issues, she has the problem of only having served on a couple of do-nothing “advisory” committees. In other words, she is a little nothing burger who cannot handle too much stress. BUT she wants to get re-elected. And in Springfield, it’s not the quality of what you legislate, it’s the quantity that counts. Or, in the governor’s case, how much of it you have eaten. She doesn’t need to excuse away the juvenile nature of her initiatives to her constituents–their property and income tax bills distract them from this drivel. She just needs to tell her constituents that she actually DID something. Sort of like when Barack Obama was campaigning for president and reminded people of his 3 votes in Springfield (while neglecting to mention the 197 he missed because he was on a Bill Ayers funded extended vacation in Bali). Doesn’t matter what it is for, or that it makes absolutely no sense, but now she can say on her CV that she has introduced “over zero” numbers of bills in chambers. What a gal. When this idiotic bill is thrown into the dumpster behind the capitol it’s going to be open season on her official campaign portrait. Wonder how she’d look with Insane Clown Posse face tats or R. Lee Ermey hair, or Jim Carrey “Dumb and Dumber” teeth…..the possibilities are endless. We may just find out real soon. There are a lot of creative photoshoppers out there in the 81st.

  • Dave
    Posted at 08:49h, 20 February

    Where do these stupid elected reps come from, why does she think a state statute can override the Bill of Rights in the Illinois constitution. They swear an oath to uphold the constitutions, then do this. Stupid is as stupid does.

    All persons may speak, write and publish freely, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty. In trials for libel, both civil and criminal, the truth, when published with good motives and for justifiable ends, shall be a sufficient defense.~ (Source: Illinois Constitution.)

  • Rory Steidl
    Posted at 08:30h, 20 February

    These “legislators” who have proposed such unrealistic bills have no common sense, any concept of a free society, the First Amendment or the power of the people to inflict appropriate consequences on those who abuse the trust of others. They gripe, bitch and moan and accuse others of being fascist, haters, and trying to limit the rights of others, then propose crazy, hater legislation like this. It’s like a bunch of 8th graders with pen and paper listing their immature concepts and beliefs of what they believe the world should be. They want to jail those who disagree, and they believe oppressive legislation is the answer to everything. Instead, let the interlopers and liars be outed as they come to light and let public opinion, the ballot box, and the marketplace determine what will become of them. Of course, that’s symptomatic of these legislators’ biggest fault: they don’t believe people have the sense or the smarts to think and act for themselves. They believe they know better than the rest of us. They are the ones who need to be led down the correct path.
