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March 28, 2025

“Break the law – change the law” in full overdrive in Illinois –

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On February 18, 2020

Springfield (ECWd) –

We just posted, Whats Next?

In less than 20 minutes, I recieved yet another update on a law that is clearly designed to make illegal acts legal, and at a huge cost to the taxpayers.

For years we have been exposing the fact the State’s Attorney is the designated legal counsel for all County Officers.  That exposure came from money being spent on private counsel by County Officers which is a clear misapplication of funds.

Two years ago we published this article explaining that our laws in Illinois are moving targets.  Moving targets because when they are broken by our elected officials they simply change the law to make their illegal acts legal.

As we expose illegal hiring of attorneys in County Government, we get the normal push back from those hired illegally with claims they have been doing it for years, and since we are not attorneys, we don’t understand the law or the case law we cite is old and not applicable.

To drive the message home that County Boards do not have the authority to hire outside legal counsel, we published the legal collection from the Attorney General, which consisted of 69 pages of crystal clear analysis on the point.  (article here)

Piatt County Board Chairman was recently criminally indicted for his action of hiring outside counsel in violation of the law.  We raised the comparison to the Shelby County Chairman’s action in this article.  You would think such an indictment would signal to Shelby County it’s not legal for the County Board to hire private counsel.  Not the case.

Shelby county has ignored the illegal practice and we did not hear one word about ending the illegal practice during the last 3 hour County Board meeting.  Such silence is troubling as payments to the private attorney are not legal and are nothing but a financial drain on the taxpayers.

We have identified at least another half dozen counties violating the law in the same fashion and the money being spent illegally is in the hundreds of thousands.

So what happens after all these illegal actions get some headlines? 

HB4854 is introduced: “Amends the Counties Code. Provides that the chairperson of the county board may appoint, with the advice and consent of the county board, an outside attorney to serve as legal counsel to the county board. The chairperson may choose the State’s Attorney as legal counsel who shall receive additional compensation as appropriate. Provides that the chairperson, by written order filed with the county clerk, may discontinue the appointment of the outside counsel appointed and prevents compensation to the outside counsel after the discontinuance. Provides that the duty of a State’s Attorney to be legal counsel are in addition to the statutory duties of the State’s Attorney and the State’s Attorney shall not receive additional compensation for the duties performed.”

Rather than prosecute those officials who break our laws, legislators provide laws like this to make what is currently illegal, legal.

One thing this bill does do is make it crystal clear, we are right and have been each and every time we tell County Boards they cant hire private counsel.  If we were wrong, as has been claimed by some of these illegally hired attorneys and the County Boards that hired them, why would we need this law?  The fact this law is being introduced is yet another prong that proves the actions are not currently legal, just as we said all along.

One of the most out of control expense we see in local government is legal bills.  We see public officials that turn over everything for the attorney to handle, to include something as simple as responses to a Freedom of Information Act request rather than doing their job as outlined in the law. This proposed legislation will only grow the already broken system of crony hires and unneeded expense to the taxpayer.

Changing laws to make illegal acts legal has to stop!

Our work is funded entirely thru donations and we ask that you consider donating at the below link.


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  • A. Lincoln
    Posted at 08:15h, 19 February

    More lawlessness by the counties that the General Assembly is attempting to cover up by legislation. The Watchdogs exposed a very similar attempt by the General Assembly in 2017, which was successful and ultimately became law.

    And currently the General Assembly is spending their time attempting to regulate leaf blowers, require $1 million individual insurance coverage to exercise a Federal Bill of Rights Amendment and tax plastic bags.



    Because enough morons in Illinois keep breeding and electing these cretins to legislative and executive offices.

    It’s just so awesome, you know, I mean, like, um!

  • Michael Hagberg
    Posted at 16:19h, 18 February

    I hope you have St Clair County on your list of counties that hire private a attorney.

  • Paul K.
    Posted at 14:29h, 18 February

    Egad, there’s not much J.D. sponsorship substance for purpose of law or opinion in that bill. Jurisprudence ain’t a county co-mingled by motion of a domineering chairperson either.

    Since the AG opinion is largely unchanged and ongoing for decades; and because of a significant incidence of administrative malfeasance during that same timeframe, the bill denies the office of the AG and defies the current governor’s call to put an end to that sort of thing. Alas.


  • Rory Steidl
    Posted at 14:25h, 18 February

    Whose pocket is he in?

    Posted at 13:48h, 18 February

    So often the people makin’ the laws are the people breakin’ the laws! They’ve got a great gig going and especially with attorney fees as you stated here: One of the most out of control expense we see in local government is legal bills. We see public officials that turn over everything for the attorney to handle, to include something as simple as responses to a Freedom of Information Act request rather than doing their job as outlined in the law.

    Let’s all get in touch with our legislators! Oh, wait, they are the ones causing the problem. Well at least the mainstream news media will pick up on this. Right??

  • Hans
    Posted at 11:30h, 18 February

    Lawyers are nothing else than legalized criminals.

  • Dave
    Posted at 11:24h, 18 February

    Organized crime govt
