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March 28, 2025

Shelby County Board meeting – Public Comment Video

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On January 11, 2020

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

We attended the Shelby County Board meeting this week after several requests from concerned citizens and several elected officials.  In our brief inquiry into a few things, it became clear there were several concerns that needed to be addressed.

Below you can see the public comment portion of the meeting where we discussed some of those concerns.  While overall the response was positive to what we shared, only time will tell if they actually listened and will take the appropriate steps to correct some of the things going on.

I would like to compliment them on their willingness to interact with those providing public comment rather than trying to shut down the messenger, a common practice of public bodies that have problems being exposed.

Below is the link for the audio from a committee meeting that spurred our attendance.  Board member Bennett appeared more concerned with how we obtained the audio of that meeting than the contents that were exposed. Bennett appears to be of the opinion a County Treasurer has no right to question payroll matters from other department heads.  She could not be any more wrong, which was pointed out during my public comment.  I have asked her several questions in hopes of establishing a positive dialog but she has not responded as of this publication.

Points of concern from the committee meeting can be heard around the 18-25 minute marks of the audio.

County Committee meeting Audio

Numerous FOIA requests have been submitted to the County and we will continue to update on those matters in future articles.

Below the video is the audio from a committee meeting that I shared my concerns during my public comment.  Board member Bennett appeared more concerned with how we obtained the audio of that meeting than the contents that were exposed.

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  • Danny
    Posted at 19:48h, 14 January

    Bennett demanding employee work reports to be falsified. This is infuriating and I’m happy the treasurer stood her ground!

  • Jim
    Posted at 22:50h, 11 January

    Those people have to be living under a rock if they have never heard of the Edgar County Watchdogs.
