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March 28, 2025

Complaint filed alleging State’s Attorney misconduct –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 22, 2019

COLES County (ECWd) –

A “Complaint and Cease and Desist” was recently filed with the Coles County Board alleging the Coles County State’s Attorney, Mr. Jesse Danley, has been using his public office for personal gain.

In short, the Complaint alleges that State’s Attorney Danley used his office’s resources and personnel to further his personal litigation, and did so for his personal gain.

The relevant laws concerning this activity are Article VIII, Section 1, of the Illinois Constitution, which states that “public funds, property or credit shall only be used for public purposes” and the Official Misconduct statute (720 ILCS 5/33-3(a)2) and (3)).

Some of the allegations in the Complaint, and in part, allege that SA Danley used the Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office for personal gain and to cause harm.

  • That he did this, by performing a series of acts in excess of his lawful authority with the intent to obtain personal advantage for themselves or others; have solicited and knowingly accepted for the performance of unauthorized acts a fee or reward which they knew were not authorized by law.
  • Mr. Danley’s actions were to obtain money, property, and /or free services. Mr. Danley used the full weight and authority of his appointed State’s Attorney’s Office to avoid the payment or loss of money and to secure a business and professional advantage. Mr. Danley has occupied and used his position of responsibility and trust in local government, the legal profession and the judiciary for personal gain and to cause injury.
  • The State’s Attorney Jesse Danley is currently using the Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office and its staff and resources as his personal office in support of the civil litigation In Re: 2019-SC-583, Wolfe vs Danley. (See Attached Exhibits C, D, E, F) and attached voicemail specifically:
    • That on September 3, 2019 Jesse Danley used Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office to prepare and file a Motion to Dismiss in Wolfe vs. Danley 2019-SC-583 used the Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office address as his personal mailing address, used the Coles County email address to communicate in 2019-SC-583, and used staff employee Ronda Parker to file pleadings for him within the Oddessey system. Further, Ronda Parker notarized Jesse Danley’s civil pleadings, a service not offered to the public.
    • That on or about September 23, 2019, Jesse Danley acting as the Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office to contact Illinois Department of Natural Resources’ attorney for the purposes of consulting over a personal matter and seeking legal advice in his official capacity as Coles County State’s Attorney over the contested personal issues of Jesse Danley’s failure to complete a title transaction complained of within the small claims matter.
    • That on September 23, 2019, Jesse Danley used employee Ronda Parker and Coles County resources to prepare and execute a Power of Attorney to IDNR using the Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office address as the address of the boat’s owner, Jesse Danley.
    • That on October 25, 2019 used the State’s Attorney office staff and email to file pleadings into personal litigation with Mervin Wolfe in civil case 2019-SC-583.
    • That on September 2019, Jesse Danley used Ronda Parker to email the executed Power of Attorney to me in civil case 2019-SC-583.
    • That on September 2019 used Ronda Parker to mail the executed Power of Attorney to me in civil case 2019-SC-583 via U.S. Mail, using Coles County postage.
    • That on September 23, 2019 States Attorney Jesse Danley used Ronda Parker as fact witness in 2019-Cm-comrnunicating about Jesse Danley’s not viewing my email regarding the boat.
    • That on or about October 21, 2019 Jesse Danley acting as States Attorney ordered Ronda Parker to contact Judge Bovard’s office to get available dates for a hearing in civil case in Wolfe vs. Danley 2019-SC-583
    • That on October 21, 2019 county employee Ronda Parker called my office, with Ronda identifying herself as “Ronda from the State’s Attorney’s Office” to set a hearing in civil case Wolfe vs. Danley 2019-SCS-83. (See attached Voice mail)
    • Jesse Danley while acting as States Attorney gained information from criminal case 2019-CM-158, People vs Nancy Barber then inserted in support for his personal litigation and benefit in 2019-SC-583, which constitutes a Class 3 felony of Official Misconduct and a violation of the Illinois Rules Of Professional Conduct. (See Exhibit Motion to Strike and Motion for Sanctions

The Notice and Demand in the Complaints seeks to demand that:

  • Danley cease and desist using Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office, address, staff, equipment, financial resources in support of personal litigation in 2019-SC-583
  • Danley remove the Coles County State’s Attorney’s Office business address from personal litigation in the case
  • Danley remove the Coles County State’s Attorney’s email address as the place of notice and legal service in his personal litigation
  • Rhonda Parker cease and desist using Coles County resources and stop assisting Danley in support of the SA’s personal litigation



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  • jannie
    Posted at 06:35h, 23 November


    • J Kathryn
      Posted at 20:36h, 11 December

      Is there an update?
