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October 19, 2024

Algonquin Township Road District – Request to Admit Answers from Bob Miller may prove problematic

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On July 17, 2019

McHenry Co. (ECWd) –

The former Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Bob Miller took steps to have a nice payout of claimed sick time he claimed was owed to him from his prior employment from over 20 years ago.

In a recent response in the ongoing civil lawsuit against Miller, A Response to Plaintiffs Request to Admit Facts sheds some light on matters.  In particular, Miller admits he has never acknowledged any liability to himself in any annual report.

18. At no point in time in the 24 years you served as Highway Commissioner did you acknowledge in any annual report a liability to yourself.

ANSWER: Defendant:Robert Miller admits request number 18.

The significance of that admission is it will be yet another piece of the puzzle to show the court the $47,000 plus in sick pay was at no time a liability of the Road District because if it was, it should have been reported on sworn annual reports, which it was not.  It has been noted by the auditors as well that there were was no outstanding applicable obligations of the Road District.

Other questions in the Request To Admit shed light on matters that should raise concerns for everyone if the Road District has evidence to prove up the matter in question.

3. You gave road salt belonging to Algonquin Township Road District to the Illinois Railway Museum.

Defendant ROBERT MILLER denies request number 3.

Oh, so the States Attorney’s 52-page report that confirmed Algonquin Township Road District salt was donated to this entity must not be true?

“Prior to Miller donating Road District salt to the IRM, the electors had not declared it surplus”

Who nows the truth?  State’s Attorney claims the salt was in fact donated, Miller denies he gave any road salt belonging to the Township Road District.  Let me guess, he will default to claiming he gave away salt that belonged to the association he started, which leads to the question, who purchased that salt?

10. No “Levenger” bag, which you purchased during your term as Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner, was listed on any inventory of the Algonquin Township Road District.

Defendant ROBERT MILLER admits request number 10 and qualifying his answer further states that the “Levenger” bag did not reach a value as new to require it being listed in an inventory.

Did you catch that qualifier? – “did not reach a value as new”

So are we to assume Miller had the $384.52 bag in question appraised and found the value to be below the required reporting value of $200 as referenced in the Highway Code?

11. You directed persons to use Algonquin Township Road District equipment and employees to dredge the lakes in the Trout Valley subdivision without a fee.

Defendant ROBERT MILLER denies request number 11.

It will be most interesting to see the evidence tied to this question.  If there is proof lakes were dredged by the Road District, fee or not, it would clearly show Road District assets and resources being used for purposes well outside the Highway Code.

And probably the saddest response of the entire response and clearly an example of how clueless Miller was of our laws and their proper application.

17. You used Algonquin Township Road District money to pay for airline tickets used by your daughter, Rebecca Lee, and at least one of her children.

Defendant ROBERT MILLER admits request number 17 and qualifies his response by stating, the policy in effect at the time allowed the purchase.

For those that are not aware, a policy that violates state law is not a legal policy.  All that aside, to date no one has found any policy that allows public funds to be used to buy family members airline tickets.  How on earth any person can think it is OK to have a policy that permits public funds to be used to buy airline tickets for their daughter and a grandchild is beyond my comprehension.

You can view the entire document at this link or view below.

R.Miller Response to Request to Admit Facts



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1 Comment
  • jannie
    Posted at 11:20h, 18 July

    This is wild! I’m surprised any agency would allow that much sick leave to be accumulated and even so… there is generally a limit when a person retires or I suppose leave of generally 12 days. I’m not sure anyone could justify a policy that gives free travel to spouse & relatives.
