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March 10, 2025

Former Edgar County Jailer pleads Guilty: failure to register as sex offender

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On June 12, 2019


On June 6, 2019, Jason Ball, former Edgar County Jailer, plead Guilty to a Class 3 Felony of failing to register as a sex offender (read it on Judici).

He was sentenced to:

  • 2 yrs probation under the standard conditions, plus, that he:
  • serve 120 days ECJ, with credit for 53 days previously served; remaining 14 days subject to stayed jail time which if Deft is required to serve will be subject to good time rules.
  • pay $500 fine plus cost with $265 credit against any fine, $100 VCV, $188 LSS, $10 medical cost, $30 Juv Exp, and $15 ILSP ops

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  • Craig Barnes
    Posted at 15:22h, 13 June

    From September 16, 2013 EffinghamRadio:

    The Effingham County Board Monday approved a settlement with two county jail correctional officers who had been dismissed and then were re-employed, but wanted back pay for the time they were not employed.
    The Board approved the settlement with Correctional Officers Justin Finfrock and Jeremy Kyle, agreeing to pay each of them $7,712 before deductions. The two were not employed from June 23 to September 1.
    County Board Chairman Jim Niemann said they reached agreement to to re-employ the two as “part of a compromise we reached.”

    These two were dismissed because they were caught having sex with female inmates at the Effingham County Jail. Evidently, proper due process was not provided by the Sheriff’s Office to these two. The facts surrounding their dismissal were not in dispute, just the paperwork. The recently dismissed Chief of Police, Jeff Fuesting, hired Jeremy Kyle as a full-time police officer before he was booted out of office. Good riddance!

    I suppose Edgar County has more principled law enforcement than Effingham County. I wonder if the paperwork regarding the facts and circumstances of their dismissal are public records. Since the taxpayers footed the bill for this, I should think so. But this is Effingham County….

    Posted at 13:18h, 13 June

    Registry isn’t very fair, people do changer and most have mental disabilities who never received help, from family or society. How about a registry for police who commits a crime no matter if they are still a cop or not. How about a registry for thieves, child neglect, assault, batter etc. etc. maybe even a registry for people who take their fat ass kids to Mc Donald’s. If someone serves their time, pays their dues then leave it that and assign them a class or councilor etc. 17 yr. old girls lying and ruining a 19 yr. old’s life or even a guy in his twenties is common. Children lie all the time and people suffer. DCFS is like the SS but just against men.

  • Sgt. Joe Friday (LAPD Ret.)
    Posted at 11:27h, 13 June

    Why would any convicted sex offender (who is sane and not on the run) NOT register? All that is accomplished by failing to do so is to subject him / her self to further prosecution and severe consequences.
