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March 3, 2025

Elwood, Indiana Fire Chief Brad Compton terminated as Chief / Demoted –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 11, 2019


Former Fire Chief Brad Compton

We were just informed that Fire Chief Brad Compton of the Elwood, Indiana Fire Department was removed from his position by Elwood Mayor Todd Jones.

Former Fire Chief Compton was informed Friday evening after an internal investigation was conducted, that he was removed from his position as Elwood Fire Chief and ordered to return all City Property to the Elwood Municipal Building immediately.

Compton was appointed Fire Chief in September of 2011.

Yesterday afternoon we published an article (here) critical of Compton’s use of a fire department vehicle for visits to Marshall, Illinois – located in Clark County just west of Terre Haute, Indiana and 139 miles from Elwood, IN.

We photographed Compton and the fire department’s vehicle in Marshall, Illinois at Casey’s gas station then contacted city officials to determine if it should be in Marshal, IL.  When we confirmed it had no business there, we obtained additional photographs at an apartment located on Plum Street, where it appeared he was using the vehicle to transport construction materials and tools for maintenance/remodeling of an apartment.

We forwarded all information gathered to the Elwood Mayor, who then conducted an internal investigation, which resulted in Chief  Compton’s termination and demotion.

Mayor Jones stated: “We try to be good stewards of the taxpayers hard earned dollars.”

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  • Gomers Piles
    Posted at 22:34h, 12 May

    Garsh, Sha-zam, Gall-lee!

    They canned him already?

    Too bad he didn’t let you get a good picture!

  • Mike Bumpus
    Posted at 20:57h, 11 May

    I hope there is more to the story than just this. While use of the fire dept vehicles indefensible, one incident would not seem to be enough to justify demotion

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 14:02h, 12 May

      It was more than one incident

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 17:32h, 11 May

    Don’t Edgar County Illinois taxpayers wish things like this; would work out the same way here?

    Why can’t we do this…find appointees and government employees…doing things they shouldn’t be doing; including conflicts of interests in in positions held in local government and; can them?

    County Board chairman Jeff Voigt, Sheriff Woods, Edgar Telephone Service Board and Troy Eads, are you listening?

    • Nellie
      Posted at 13:27h, 12 May

      If only license plate finder was available 15 years ago people could have found state highway truck out in Edgar county doing personal busisness nearly every day

  • Mr. Murphy Says: Unfortunate but Predictable
    Posted at 13:14h, 11 May

    Basing my comments on previous experience with people and direct knowledge of similar events. So, I won’t go so far as to say former Chief Compton thought the same, and I’m not rejoicing at a man losing his job – however: Who does THAT (out of jurisdiction / state / on personal business) without thinking it out and covering the bases with a letter of authorization, FIRST? Even if his personal use of a department vehicle had been previously granted, which it probably was since he was Chief, I can’t imagine the city authorizing what he was doing due to potential liability in event of an out of jurisdiction / state accident, insurance claim, etc. I feel badly for he and his family that his actions have led to the loss of his job / career, but how many times do we have to see this? There will always be more to the story – and maybe some unknown facts – from his perspective…but the undeniable truth on this one is that the taxpayers in the City of Elwood will remain the winners on this one.

  • Jon
    Posted at 13:07h, 11 May

    You need to get a job and a life good waste of time guys

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 13:54h, 11 May

      No time wasted on our part. Glad we could help.

  • Dennis Finegan
    Posted at 11:56h, 11 May

    Mayor Jones is to be commended. Not many would work that fast.

  • Cody Heer
    Posted at 10:35h, 11 May

    Great job watchdogs! Also kudos to the mayor for his ethical quick response!

  • Elizabeth Gruber
    Posted at 10:28h, 11 May

    Demoted isn’t good enough. Should have been fired.

  • Kyle campbell
    Posted at 10:01h, 11 May

    He wasnt terminated he was demoted FAKE NEWS

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 10:08h, 11 May

      He was terminated from his position as fire chief. Just like the article says. Looks like you are fake news by claiming fake news.
