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March 28, 2025

Algonquin Township sued again for denial of public records –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On May 7, 2019

Algonquin Township (ECWd) –

Adding to the already lengthy list of lawsuits, and adding to the already lengthy list of public records denials, we sued Algonquin Township again for another allegation of a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) violation.

At some point these township officials will learn that laws must be followed, and public records belong to the public. They do not have a choice, and must properly respond to FOIA requests and must produce public records requested under the FOIA.

This lawsuit, 19CH000274 (McHenry County), filed on May 3, 2019, seeks production of public records responsive to my FOIA request dated June 2, 2018, in which I asked for all communications between the township and YouTube.

We know there are at least five different communications between the township and YouTube based off of township attorney James Kelly’s invoices form 2018. We also know that one of the five were released under FOIA to a person who forwarded the letter to us, and we published it in an article (here).

Our FOIA lawsuit seeks the following:

  • A declaration that Algonquin Township has violated the FOIA
  • Order Algonquin Township to produce the requested records
  • Enjoin Algonquin Township from withholding non-exempt public records under the FOIA
  • Order Algonquin Township to pay a civil penalty
  • Award us reasonable attorney fees and costs
  • Anything else the Court deems just and equitable

Denise Ambroziak is our attorney in this case.
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  • Frank Rizzo
    Posted at 23:11h, 08 May

    Whatabout some of that RICO class action stuff?

    Did youse guys ever think about that?

    I hear that’s strong stuff in the right hands!

  • Cindy
    Posted at 23:33h, 07 May

    It is very plain to see that they are still tap dancing to cover their crimes.

  • jannie
    Posted at 15:35h, 07 May

    It’s beyond me why they won’t just hand over he records – do they like to have lawsuits and go to court, but come to think of it their lawyer does get to bill the township I suppose.
