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March 11, 2025

Illinois House authorizes nepotism, self-hiring in all units of local government –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On April 11, 2019


Update: This original Bill was gutted and the provisions mentioned below did not pass and were not enacted into law.

Get elected – hire yourself – be your own supervisor:  PRICELESS!

The Illinois House of Representatives passed, by a unanimous vote, House Bill 3501 which directly conflicts with every existing statute and law prohibiting conflicts of interest, self dealing, and nepotism in units of local government.

Rep. Natalie Manley (D), Romeoville, was the Chief Sponsor of this Bill, and Sen Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D), Plainfield, picked it up in the Senate.

The offensive text of HB3501:

(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), the governing body of the unit of local government may hire or appoint an elected or appointed official to a second position in the unit of local government with a salary or hourly wages by ordinance or resolution if the ordinance or resolution states the salary or total compensation of an hourly position.

There you have it, if this gets a green light in the Senate and signed by the Governor, every unit of local government in the State of Illinois can simply vote to hire themselves for paid positions within the unit of government they are elected to serve. Nepotism and self-dealing will be authorized by statute. Hell, the County Board could simply hire a private attorney under HB3596 and create new employment opportunities as “admin assistant” to the private attorney position within county government and hire themselves into the newly created jobs. How easy is that?

This affects all units of local government in Illinois, including townships, school districts, street light districts, park district, municipalities, counties, mosquito abatement districts, water district, forest preserves, airport authorities, and every other local government.

So here’s the chance for all you unethical double-dippers: Get elected or appointed to any unit of local government, then create new “employment positions” (or fire good workers so you can hire yourself) and vote to hire yourselves for a premium self-supervised job with great salaries/hourly pay. Just make sure it is in a resolution or ordinance format, and you are golden!

Here is a true example (and consequentially the reason for this legislation in the first place): Bolingbrook City Clerk increase her pay by more than $50K per year by hiring herself as her own full-time assistant (read about it here).

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  • Wheeling's Deborah Wilson
    Posted at 20:36h, 13 April

    Time to fill out a witness slip

  • Roger
    Posted at 20:19h, 12 April

    Is there no limit to how many jobs an elector or appointee can hire and employ themself for? I think one could run for office or seek appointment as a “job creator”. Just asking for a friend:-)

  • Fred
    Posted at 09:06h, 12 April

    So sick of this kind of crap going on, there just a big bunch of thieves. One of these days it’s going to come to a head.

  • tommy seriously
    Posted at 05:57h, 12 April

    Ok, show of hands – since it’s Illinois, who expected anything different? *crickets

  • Dave
    Posted at 16:41h, 11 April

    No conflict of interest here, move along nothing to see. The Illinois state govt is the enemy

  • Dave
    Posted at 16:33h, 11 April

    More organized crime from democrap controlled Illinois state govt. Not surprised, when one dirtbag can teach one day and be eligible for a full pension, is this a surprise. Its time to make Chicago the nation’s 51st state

    • tommy seriously
      Posted at 06:03h, 12 April

      Unanimous vote means that it included the handful of repubs, too. Please re-read the article – ask for help with the big words.

      • 1mmf27
        Posted at 08:12h, 13 April

        What? This is a great website by people doing great work. Please don’t turn it into a typical forum where blue/red reflexively bash each other….

        • tommy seriously
          Posted at 22:34h, 13 April

          Sorry, but ignorance gets called out. Too much stupidity gets by these days.

  • Cherul
    Posted at 15:38h, 11 April

    Glendale heights Mayor has hired all of her family and her kids best friend in job with great pension. They will love this bill.

    • Shaggy
      Posted at 16:17h, 11 April

      Unelect her.

  • jannie
    Posted at 14:24h, 11 April

    This makes no sense at all. — Basically what it means is I will want to run for a position (office) that I may then be elected to and hire myself as an assistant or whatever paid position. I wonder whose bright ideal this was & did they really understand what they were doing?

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 14:27h, 11 April

      Chief Sponsor knew exactly what she was doing – protecting the Bolingbrook Clerk who hired herself as her own assistant.

      • Shaggy
        Posted at 16:16h, 11 April

        Just the opposite. Stop that from happening again.

    • Shaggy
      Posted at 16:15h, 11 April

      Can’t hire your self after this becomes law. Better hurry and do that now!
