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March 28, 2025

McHenry County Judge Ordered Stay of Production in Algonquin Township’s Subpoena to Watchdogs’ Dropbox –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On March 11, 2019

McHenry Co., IL. (ECWd) –

Today’s Hearing on our Motion to Quash a second subpoena filed by Algonquin Township in their attempt at gaining access to our Dropbox folder resulted in the Court Ordering a Stay in Production until further Order of the Court.

Algonquin Township told the Court that it never forwarded this second subpoena to California.

We asked for a Stay in Production, which AT objected to – which made us wonder, if the subpoena was never sent to California as they said, why would there be any objection to a stay in the production of the subpoenaed records?

The short answer is there is no reason to object…unless…the subpoena was sent, or was about to be sent.

Either way, the Court Ordered the Stay and gave a timeline for Motions and Replies to be filed on the Motion to Quash, with a Hearing on our Motion to Quash scheduled for April 16, 2019, at 10:00 a.m.

The order also confirms the prior subpoena was, in fact, quashed.  This is an important fact as there was an attempt to claim it was never quashed last time.  The judge confirmed it was quashed and this order confirms it.

March 11 Subpoena Order

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