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March 28, 2025

Wind Turbine Blade break Champaign-Vermilion County Illinois

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 8, 2019

Champaign-Vermilion, IL. (ECWd) –

January 8, 2019

This is a GE 1.6 mW wind turbine located in Champaign County Illinois., in the InvEnergy Wind Farm.

The turbine is near the Champaign County Line on the West Edge of Vermilion County, several hundred feet south of the intersection of 2500 North & 70 East.

The turbine is 495 feet tall to the tip of blades. This is the fourth massive blade failure within the California Ridge Wind Farm, which became operational in January 2013.

The broken turbine is located 1 mile West and 1 mile North of Ted Hartke’s former residence in Vermilion County.

InvEnergy employees currently have the road blocked 1/4 mile away from the turbine because of risk of falling debris.  Vermilion County Road 100 East is currently closed.  This turbine is approximately 2 miles due north of the Mike Marron residence.  (Marron was former “pro-wind” Vermilion County Board Chairman when he blocked new safety setbacks for wind turbines in 2014-2015. It is ironic that the same road his family lives on is the road closed today because of falling wind turbine blade parts.)

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