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March 28, 2025

Letter to the Editor………of the NWH – Have you seen it?

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On January 15, 2019

McHenry Co. (ECWd) –

A letter to the editor of the Northwest Herald has been shared with us.  Considering we do not nor ever will subscribe to the NWH, we won’t know if the letter ever gets published for their readers to actually see so we are providing it with permission from its author.

The letter is from John Polster, an Illinois attorney that has clearly taken notice of the NWH’s hit pieces on the attorney for the AlgonquinTownship Road District, Rob Hanlon.

Of special interest to us is the fact he actually points the NWH to our work that exposed their reporter’s lack of accuracy in his article.

Polster states:

“Your “articles”, which exude an obvious personal and political hatred toward Hanlon. are in many ways factually incorrect. and leave the clear impression that he should not be practicing law at all. For example, as a recent article by Illinois Leaks/ Edgar County Watchdog points out, you seem to ascribe conduct to Mr. Hanlon at points in time when he was not even engaged by the subject client!”

 “At a minimum, you owe him and the readership a sincere, thorough and unqualified apology.”

The letter was dated January 11th, 2019. As of January 15th, 2019, it appears the NWH will once again ignore the facts and fail to provide truth to its readers.

We understand another individual has also sent a letter to the editor.  If we are able to get a copy we will publish it as well.

You can download the letter at this link or view below.


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1 Comment
  • I C said the Blindman
    Posted at 11:07h, 15 January

    They really do have a glaring bias. Wish I knew why? Could they have been on the receiving end of Millers’ rein at the township? Only blocks away maybe he had the township plowing and salting their parking lots? Maybe he was advertising to the hilt? Only people and organizations that were on the take were ones so obviously For the Millers. Hanlon, and Gasser revealed tons of reasons they were unethical with taxpayer dollars and they could have revealed More but were afforded no cooperation. Terrible.
