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March 28, 2025

Four Candidates removed from ballot; Atlanta Public Library District –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On January 3, 2019


In what we believe is the first ever Electoral Board held in Logan County, 4 of the 6 objected candidates met in the Logan County Courthouse for a Hearing with the Logan County Electoral Board to consider election petition objections against them and their candidacy for Atlanta Public Library District Trustee.

One candidate (Tabor) withdrew from candidacy, another candidate (Robert Letterley) had not yet been served a summons by the Sheriff’s office – his challenge was rescheduled to January 9, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. in the Logan County Courthouse, 1st Floor Courtroom, delivery of the written decision of the electoral board with happen at that meeting.

The other 4 candidate’s names (Randy Brooks, Karen Horn, Marjory Dyer, and James Welchel) were removed and will not appear on the ballot for failure to comply with the requirements of the Election Code.  All of them failed to file with their petition packets, a receipt for a Statement of Economic Interest, which is to be filed with the Logan County Clerk prior to the last day of filing petitions.

All of them denied the allegations contained within the petition objections, but then later admitted to not filing the proper receipt.

The petition objections can be found here:

Video of this Hearing is below:



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  • Michael Hagberg
    Posted at 10:44h, 03 January

    I’m a little confused as to what was filed at the library. Economic Interest is required to be filed with the County Clerk and Nominating Petitions with the Municipal Clerk. When available could you post the written decisions?

    Do you know of anyone who is compiling a database of Election Board decisions?

    I live in Belleville, IL (St Clair County) and we had one objection filed against a candidate who was running unopposed. The jist of the objection was two of the signature forms failed to include Blvd in the candidate’s address. Then there were a number of challenges to signatures i.e. Sue Smith v Susan Smith.

    The Board ruled against the objection and the candidate will appear on the ballot.

    To help prove the candidates point the City issued notice to Lafayette Drive rather than Lafayette Blvd. The county also has property deeds with addresses on Lafayette Blvd, Drive and Street.

  • Dave
    Posted at 10:24h, 03 January

    Why on earth did they lie about it? Geez, tell the dang truth!

  • Brenda Hawkins
    Posted at 07:30h, 03 January

    About time they have to follow the law
