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March 28, 2025

Cahokia Electoral Board Meeting canceled: No Agenda

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On December 28, 2018


This morning’s Cahokia Electoral Board Hearing (meeting) was canceled because the board never posted a meeting agenda as required under the Open Meetings Act.

In the video below, you can see the village attorney, Mark Scoggins, explaining the meeting would start at 9:30. When he was finished, I explained to him that there was no agenda posted, and that they could not hold a meeting if there was no agenda posted. He appeared clueless on this requirement.

Out in the hallway, he insisted that “this type” of meeting doesn’t need an agenda.

He clearly misunderstood the Open Meetings Act, and after about 15 minutes, he returned to the meeting room and informed everyone that there was no meeting because of “an issue” that had been raised.

There is a meeting scheduled for Wed, January 2, 2019. Let’s hope they post the agenda in time.



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  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 09:25h, 29 December

    wonder how much he is paid? nothing because he knows nothing?

    • Jack
      Posted at 10:20h, 29 December

      The taxpayers are paying for him to settle someone’s personal vendetta

  • Another Election Objector
    Posted at 23:26h, 28 December

    13 objections! Seriously! The current council must have lots of issues! Based on the statues I have read, what statue authorizes the village legal counsel to be involved in this hearing? Doesn’t Dillon’s Law apply here?
