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March 28, 2025

Village of Cary votes to repudiate and condemn use of public funds for report –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 27, 2018

CARY, IL. (ECWd) –

In a lengthy Special Meeting called by four village trustees, the village board approved a Resolution to repudiate a recent “illegal” report on a claim of harassment filed by a trustee against another trustee.

The Resolution states, in part, as follows (click here to read):

  • The Investigation Report and any and all findings and conclusions contained within are hereby rejected and repudiated by the Village Board of Cary and the report is found to be unauthorized, baseless, prejudicial, and political
  • The Mayor and Village Administrator acted without authority to enter into a contract with and retain the Callaway lawyer, at a cost of more than $5,000, to conduct an investigation of Trustee Cosler.  This action violated the Village Procurement Code, sections 3.04.040 and 050
  • This Board disagrees with the recommendations given by Village attorneys, at the time, to initiate an investigation without a proper legal basis.  The firm knew or should have known that taxpayer funds were being spent on an investigation of Trustee Cosler; they knew or should have known that the Village’s employee handbook and the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act does not apply to political disagreements among Village officials; and they knew or should have known this was an illegal investigation financed by the unauthorized use of taxpayer funds.  As the Village attorneys, the law firm’s recommendation of such an investigation equated to a breach of their duty to the full Board of Trustees
  • Trustee Cosler’s numerous requests of the Mayor to be seated at the Village Board table in a seat other than one next to Trustee McAlpine have been ignored by the Mayor and the request should be honored at the next Village Board meeting
  • The entire audio recording of the Village Board executive session on June 5, 2018, shall be released and available to those who request it, without the need to submit a Freedom of Information Act request

Video of this Special Meeting is below:

Cary Resolution Final

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