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March 28, 2025

Lisle Library Trustee Flint thinks he is special, District violating state law re: compensation –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On November 19, 2018


The Lisle Library District is governed by the Public Library District Act of 1991.

Section 30-30 of the Act prescribes the compensation of library district trustees as follows:

Sec. 30-30. Compensation of trustees. Trustees shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed from district funds for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.

One would think a person elected to a library board would know how to read and understand this simple sentence, but apparently not in this case, unless, as we suspect, the majority of this Board thinks they get special treatment.

Article XIII of the Lisle Library District (“LLD”) By-Laws bestows a form compensation and special treatment upon the trustees thru their exemption of fines and fees upon election. Also, according to Article XIII, Trustees can order library materials for personal use at a discount through the library.

During the LLD’s June 8, 2018 Policy Committee meeting, this was discussed, however, no additional Policy Committee meetings have been scheduled since.

Trustee Richard Flint, Chairman of the Policy Committee thinks he is better than the public and deserves special treatment, like the double standards on fines and fees that the normal resident would have to pay, but Trustee Flint thinks it is perfectly OK to exempt himself from paying the same fines and fees the general public must pay.

Listen to his absolute arrogance in the video below. He should immediately resign, based on his attitude alone.

This is impermissible under Illinois law and must be stopped.

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  • Lyle
    Posted at 22:06h, 26 January

    Flint does not even live in the Lisle Library District.

  • Dennis Finegan
    Posted at 20:57h, 13 December

    Well, I spoke last night, first thanking them for their service and them telling them they were all breaking the law. It’s a challenge speaking to an audience that has absolutely no reaction to anything said by the public. To my surprise, John Kraft spoke a few minutes later, much more eloquently than I. Talk about dedication, it was a 3 1/2 hour drive home for him last night. But, it’s on the record now. Next to get it on their agenda.

  • Dennis Finegan
    Posted at 13:23h, 04 December

    I have engaged the board, with replies from Messrs. Flint and Hummel. I have also signed Mr. Hummel’s reelection petition. Mr. Flint’s replies touched only on reasons why he should be exempt from the law, but never on the law itself. I intend to speak at the board meeting next Wednesday. I also made a FOIA request for the Park District’s policy manual. They responded within 24 hours. Their rules on permitted discounts for trustees and family are much worse than that permitted by the library. I will face the Park District after I finish with the library board.

  • Roger
    Posted at 14:38h, 19 November

    Sounds like Trustee Flint needs a gofundme if he really wants others to pay for his late/lost book fines and personal purchases using library funds. Where does the nonsense stop?

    This comes to mind: “skin flint” NOUN informal “a person who spends as little money as possible; a miser.”

  • Dennis Finegan
    Posted at 12:54h, 19 November

    Oh, they will hear about this. Power to the press (and emails). As a taxpayer to this library district I have standing and will review their “rules” and demand that any in violation of the law be rescinded. We elected them; we didn’t agree to pay for their lifestyles. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

  • Danni Smith
    Posted at 11:55h, 19 November

    ‘take it back’- stomp, stomp, then I will unhear your adult and legal position.

  • A. Lincoln
    Posted at 08:37h, 19 November

    History repeating itself. In 2010 the United States Congress passed, arguably, one of the most disastrous bills in U. S. history; Obamacare. And, in complex technical language, effectively exempted themselves and other government officials.

    So at this point, Lisle’s only real dilemma is whether to call this Flintcare or Librarycare.

    • J Knutson
      Posted at 07:37h, 04 December

      “Arguably” I disagree! ACA provided millions with health care. Great mistake tying health coverage to employment!

  • Philo Beddoe
    Posted at 07:12h, 19 November

    What a chicken neck.

  • Robert O. Bogue
    Posted at 06:54h, 19 November

    Richard Flint…..What has he been reading??????? ………. or is he just looking at the pictures? Ignorance and arrogance in an amazing form. If it wasn’t on video, I wouldn’t believe it.
    Kudos to the committee member asking the questions…and what responsible board member would sit there, listen to that…and second, and then vote on an adjournment?

    The other committee members need to wake up, should have refused to adjourn the meeting and challenged the chairman on his disrespect. Hopefully more wisdom will prevail in the next meeting(s) and he will receive what he is actually entitled to, probably something like a figurative kick in the caboose.
