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March 28, 2025

DuPage Township officials used politics to threaten children’s program –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 18, 2018


By now, it is well-known that there was a settlement in an Open Meetings Act case disputing the firing of DuPage Township employee Linda Youngs. The plaintiff’s attorney for that case was Bolingbrook Attorney Joe Giamanco.

The Open Meetings Act lawsuit named Trustee Maripat Oliver as defendant, along with two other trustees, Raga and Benford, who also voted in favor of the firing. The agenda for that meeting did not list any item for terminating an employee, and since it was not on the agenda it could never have been voted on.

It is also well-know that Trustees Burgess and Oliver wildly exaggerated, at the September 25th township meeting, about fellow trustee Benford when discussing an incident involving people walking in a local parade, and lied about a local non-profit who’s mission it is to help those young people to become positive contributors to society.

After the faked outrage about the parade, and promises of cutting funding, sources have informed us that both Trustee Oliver and Supervisor Mayer attempted to “force” the Executive Director of the HEART Program into signing an affidavit that was patently false. This, in my opinion, was another attempt at discrediting a political candidate using the threat of reduced funding, while also using their elected positions as township officials as cover.

“Incidentally” the document properties of the false affidavit show Bolingbrook attorney Joe Giamanco was the originating document author of the affidavit. Giamanco is also a frequent contributor to “Bolingbrook United” and the “DuPage Township Democratic Organization” (read the report).

The affidavit was authored three days after the public meeting in which the issue was discussed by disgruntled Trustee Ken Burgess and failed 2010 Candidate for State Representative (and current Trustee) Maripat Oliver.

Our repeated attempts to obtain a straight answer from Giamanco failed, he never denied his alleged involvement in authoring the affidavit, and never denied providing it to a DuPage Township official with the hopes of obtaining a signature.

As it currently stands, we will let the document properties speak for themselves, it clearly names Joe Giamanco as the document author:

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  • Jack
    Posted at 00:46h, 21 October

    Kirk or John, do the actions of all of those involved constitute blackmail or extortion? If so, how can a private citizen report that crime? He and his wife do nothing but encourage hatred and as you have now witnessed with destroy organization for their own political greed. Deplorable.

  • Jack
    Posted at 22:06h, 18 October

    Joe Giamanco is shameful. He helped his client lie to the forensic auditors. He didn’t even like Linda or Bill until he saw a chance to make some money. How much money did he make off the lawsuit? He probably helped Bill find the auditor and the new attorney that is covering for Bill. It was known that Linda controlled the agenda, the supervisor, the staff, and the money. She even retaliated against the senior citizens to get her way. How could Oliver get an item on the agenda? The trustees appear to be blocked from putting things in the agenda based on the recent conversations I have heard at the meetings. What are the rules for adding things to the agenda? Does Joe even live in DuPage township? His own business partner left him because he realized Joe is an opportunist. He just wants to make a name for himself in politics. He took a charity organization away from a minister. He doesn’t care anything about the children. He is a bitter and sad man. What attorney has that much time to attack and lie to people?

    • Jaime Olson
      Posted at 10:00h, 20 October

      That’s a whole bunch of lies and slander ‘Jack’. To malign people behind the safety of a fake name and a keyboard shows the type of person that you are.

      • Jack
        Posted at 00:44h, 21 October

        No for your husband to author an affidavit full of lies is what is wrong. His role in trying to destroy an organization just to attack an elected official is wrong? The article said they asked him several times to confirm if he authored the document. He wouldn’t. If he didn’t do anything wrong then why didn’t he stand up and say he did it? You and him apparently make a habit of lying on people and then are the first ones to yell slander when someone attempts to defend themselves. How much money was he paid? And Does he live in DuPage Township? And why does he hate that trustee so much? Where they ever friends or did he just wake up one day with an axe to grind? Following him on facebook, he won’t stand up wihen real men challenge him. He runs away like a spineless coward. My name is Jack. Your husband runs fake pages and then purchases the URL of politicians and redirects them. His actions borderline being reported to the ARDC. He knows it and he puts all his proof on facebook. And he is the only attorney around with so much time on his hands. Where are his cases?
