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Candidate for Whiteside County Sheriff using Sheriff’s Department vehicle while campaigning? –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 11, 2018


John Booker, candidate for Whiteside County Sheriff, was allegedly spotted using the Whiteside County Sheriff’s Department marked vehicle while stopping at a local radio station for an interview concerning his campaign for Sheriff.

He was spotted, on September 10, 2018, driving the Sheriff’s Department vehicle, allegedly while wearing his campaign shirt, to a radio interview at WSDR, where he discussed his campaign for Sheriff of Whiteside County.

We contacted Mr. Booker who stated he stopped by the radio station on his way to a “Partnership Meeting” (Whiteside County Healthier Communities Partnership) at the United Way in Sterling. This is a partnership with local civics groups and local governments, including law enforcement. It is approximately two miles from the radio station. After speaking to Booker, he denied wearing the shirt while driving, claiming he put the shirt on for the interview.

The photos below show this vehicle parked outside of the radio station WSDR, what appears to be Booker in the studio, and a photo of Booker taken from the front in the studio.

As far as electioneering goes, this could be considered electioneering, not much different than former Prisoner Review Board Member John Clough’s use of a state vehicle to deliver petition packets to the Coles County Courthouse while claiming it was on his normal route to work.

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  • Chuck
    Posted at 13:51h, 17 October

    WOW @ Me! Are you sure you weren’t consuming beverages in a bar when you typed this awful response? Your post makes absolutely NO SENSE as I’m trying to figure out what a carbunckle is?!? I did check Judici; it is case # 2005D113 (Kristopher Schmidt). Feel free to read the history of that court case before you accuse people of being mendacious. If you can’t pay your child’s educational expenses, what makes you think he can run a budget? Also, having to get a petition by the court to have child support withheld from your check (4 years ago) is extremely disturbing! Get off the bar stool and stop drinking the Kool-Aid 🙂

  • Ellen
    Posted at 07:51h, 17 October

    Please stop assuming I am John. In fact I am not John and when you assume you make an a** out of yourself. You can choose to believe what you will however the facts are the facts less than 1 hour after my Booker sign went in my yard Schmidt pulled in my driveway and caught my son who btw is old enough to vote and engaged in a conversation stating “What in the world would possess you to put that sign in your yard” I’m positive that it was against the dept policy. My response on judici I urge you again to do your homework as there is currently a case against Schmidt where he is refusing to pay educational expenses for his 2 adult children. Meanwhile his response was to file a petition to modify his support for the other 2 children. Lol as far as another case on going with his top supporter that was just moved to Henry County combining the cases regarding Albany Police Chief Wyatt where he refused to keep his zipper up and was caught abusing his power with threatening messages to the woman’s then husband. Let’s now talk about Missy the Lyndon woman who Schmidt’s campaign blasted all over the news my god she’s a convicted criminal with a current case pending in Whiteside County. Again I urge you to do your homework.

  • Me
    Posted at 17:25h, 11 October

    He has been doing this all along. He and Wilhelmi and Mertes – the criminal lawter backing him – called a press conference, IN uniform, on courthouse grounds, to announce presidency, and he has campaigned in full uniform, and utilizing sheriff events, fairess, to campaign, in uniform and vehicle. What can be done about this??

    • Ellen
      Posted at 06:26h, 12 October

      This is no different than Candidate Schmidt pulling in my driveway after seeing my Booker for Sheriff sign and asking my son “What would possess you to put that sign in your yard ” that’s flat out harassment! I don’t think this a clean campaign as the other side is claiming all along. Lol A quick look on judici will give you a great look at the bigger picture going on.

      • Me
        Posted at 09:28h, 12 October

        There is nothing on Judici about either candidate so you are creating a false narrative. Last election for candidacy (not presidency…lol) Booker lost with Wilhelmi he was caught stealing signs.

        Campaigning in uniform by Booker is a violation of the Hatch Act, electioneering, and a tgeft, essentially, of public dollars. I’m sure it also violates the rules of the Department. I hope it is brought to the County Administrator. The guy breaks the law continually (DUIing nightly, for one) and issuffering no reprucussions, giving him that cocky arrogance where he thinks he can do what he wants. Like laughing and telling jokes within earshot of family and friends, neighbors, who are at a homicide scene. The public is constantly appalled by his behavior, not a deputy or area police chief has any faith in or respect for the guy. It’s long past time he is held accountable.

        • ME II
          Posted at 22:29h, 12 October

          So in your reply you are stating what Booker did is a violation correct? In my response I shared that candidate Schmidt did the exact same thing and that’s ok? I disagree with your response on judici I did the homework I don’t see how you could have missed it.

          • Me
            Posted at 22:39h, 12 October

            No. Making a comment to a neighbor in jest, is not breaking the law. IF ge did that, which is questionable. Booker breaks the law. Can you be more descript aboit your “research” (lol) on Judici, John? Aren’t you usually still in the bars buying rounds “campaigning” at this time? Not only fake profiles on Fscebook, eh? Psycho.

            Oh. And in your research did you discover from his former fiance about her dumping him as he was srnding dick pictures to other women? He’s a disgustibg, loathsome carbunckle.
