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March 28, 2025

AG Candidate Kwame Raoul should be charged with perjury for filing another false Statement of Economic Interest –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On October 7, 2018


We first wrote about his false reporting of economic interests in April of this year – (read it here).

As it turns out, he filed an amended Statement of Economic Interest on August 1, 2018, and appears to have lied on the amended document also.

He did update a couple of items he left off his previous SEI, but again failed to report his employment as a Senator with the State of Illinois in item number 7.

Attorney General Candidate Kwame Raoul did not disclose his State Senate employment as required by law. He listed “None” for item #7. Yes, we know he was employed with the Senate as do most who stay connected to what goes on in Springfield, however that is not the test.

He signed his AG Candidate SEI just below this statement:

“I declare that this Statement of Economic Interests (including any accompanying schedules and statements) has been examined by me and to the best of my knowledge and belief is a true, correct and complete statement of my economic interests as required by the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. I understand that the penalty for willfully filing a false or incomplete statement shall be a fine not to exceed $:1,000 or imprisonment in a penal institution other than the penitentiary not to exceed one year, or both fine and imprisonment.”

Are we assuming too much when we expect a candidate for Attorney General to be able to read and understand a simple form?

Article XIII Section 2 of our State Constitution states in part:   “All candidates for or holders of state offices and all members of a Commission or Board created by this Constitution shall file a verified statement of their economic interests, as provided by law.

How would he ever prosecute other state officials for this violation of the law if he violated the same laws he would be charged with prosecuting?

Attorney General Lisa Madigan should charge him with perjury for both Counts of filing a false report.


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  • Mike
    Posted at 04:53h, 11 October

    Question 7 on the Statement of Economic Interests form should be simplified.

    How about:

    “List the name of any unit of government for which you were employed during the previous year.”

    Beyond that, it is too tedious to search the database in which the Statement of Economic Interest forms are stored.

    For example:

    – There should be an “All Years” search option,

    – In the search results in which no agency is specified, multiple agencies for a person should be listed in alphabetical order,

    – When a particular document is opened, it should allow search on a keyword, copy from the document, and paste to another document for consolidation purposes,

    – The paper forms should be eliminated, which would solve the problem of not being able to search on handwritten words, and

    – There should be a Google search option which returns all documents containing a user specified keyword.

    The Lobbyist Search database is even worse.

    It’s WAY too tedious and time consuming to perform searches.

    One has to select 1 of 7 lobbying categories, then select a year, just to search on a name.

    How about an “All Categories” and an “All Years” option?

    How about a brief description of the 7 search categories (Lobbying Entity Search, Exclusive Lobbyist Search, Contractual Entity Search, Count of Registered Entities and Exclusive Lobbyists, Expenditure Report Search, Expenditures Made on Officials, and Client Entity Search?

    Just as with the Statement of Economic Interest searches, how about the ability to Google search on any particular word in all the documents in the database (not just on a single document)?

    How can anyone call that mess good government?

  • NiteCat
    Posted at 23:15h, 07 October

    Another Frank Mautino follower.

  • Dave
    Posted at 19:30h, 07 October

    And Kwame Raoul wants to be Attorney General??? After this display of irresponsible incompetence, everyone should vote for his opponent. He can’t even fill out a simple form or is he hiding something?
