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March 26, 2025

Wesley Township Clerk Sarah Norton files false police report- lies to police

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On September 9, 2018

Will Co. (ECWd) –

Wesley Township Clerk Sarah Norton has filed a police report claiming she was harassed by a local citizen.  The incident in question was filmed and after reading the report, it is clear the Clerk has filed a false police report, lied to the police, and her father misleads the police with his witness statement.

This is typical behavior for public officials who have ignored the law for so long they believe they are a protected class from public scrutiny.  Not so for this father-daughter duo who are fast-tracking their way to trouble.

False statements by Sarah Norton:

  • She claims in the report she is the County Clerk.    
  • She claims her and her father traveled to the County Building on W. Ballou road.   
  • She advised that no one is allowed in the County Building without an elected official’s permission.  
  • She claims she is an elected official.
  • She claims she advised him he is not allowed in the file room. 
  • She claims the person refused to leave the building.  

Facts that support Sarah Norton’s statements are false:

  • She is not the County Clerk
  • She was not at the County Building with her father during the claimed incident.
  • She is not an elected official as she was appointed to the position she currently holds. 
  • The public is allowed in public buildings and does not need elected official’s permission to enter them. 
  • The person in question was not in the file room. 
  • There was never a demand for the person to leave the property.

The video evidence proves there was no harassment or stalking as she claimed nor any request for the person to leave the property. We covered the initial incident in this article and it is clear, the police report filed by Sarah Norton is a false report.

False and Misleading information by Sarah Norton’s father, John Norton:

  • Witness report states John Norton’s occupation is Road Commissioner
  • Norton claims he took photos but leaves out the part where he is captured defaming a person by calling them a pedophile.

Facts that support John Norton’s statements are false:

  • John Norton is not the Road Commissioner and to claim he is, is false.
  • Yes, he took photos but leaves out the defamatory statements he made to a citizen in a public building in front of witnesses and captured on video.

Reading the police report and then watching the video, we can find nothing pointing to any type of harassment towards Sarah Norton or her father.  The person filming the episode was at the Township Office to speak with the current Road Commissioner and decided to video the event as the file room door was open and he heard people talking from the room.  As can be seen in the video, there was no “harassment” taking place nor “stalking” as the Township Clerk insinuated in the video.

We suggest the police take a hard look into a possible Disorderly Conduct violation by Sarah Norton with her contacting the police and filing a false police report.

720 ILCS 5/26-1. Disorderly Conduct

(4) Transmits or causes to be transmitted in any manner to any peace officer, public officer or public employee a report to the effect that an offense will be committed, is being committed, or has been committed, knowing at the time of the transmission that there is no reasonable ground for believing that the offense will be committed, is being committed, or has been committed;
(5) Transmits or causes to be transmitted a false report to any public safety agency without the reasonable grounds necessary to believe that transmitting the report is necessary for the safety and welfare of the public; or
(6) Calls the number “911” for the purpose of making or transmitting a false alarm or complaint and reporting information when, at the time the call or transmission is made, the person knows there is no reasonable ground for making the call or transmission and further knows that the call or transmission could result in the emergency response of any public safety agency;

Of interest in the police report is the fact there is not a single mention of the word harassment in the narrative by Sarah Norton and her father.

We also suggest the police look into their claims of being public officials (county clerk – road commissioner) when they are not those public officials. It falls under the Illinois Criminal Code, False Personation – 720 ILCS 5/17-2(b)(2), with penalties listed under Subsection of (f)(3).

Police Report - sarah norton & daddy

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  • The Truth
    Posted at 06:50h, 11 September

    She should be arrested for aggravated mopery with intent to gawk!

  • The Truth
    Posted at 06:47h, 11 September

    She should be arrested for aggravated mopery with intent to gawk!

  • Wtwatcher
    Posted at 18:22h, 09 September

    Seems to be a pattern with this administration! Like father, like daughter, like supervisor, like trustee….
