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March 28, 2025

Vermilion Co. Airport Authority: We are Trained Killers, Red Dogs, Antifa, Wild Animals…

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 18, 2018


Prior to the Vermilion County Regional Airport Authority meeting this morning, one of the Airport Commissioners, referred to us (ECWd) as Antifa-like, said we were Red Dogs, and finished it off by claiming we were trained killers.

We attended this meeting, to once again inform Board Chairman Kietzmann he is unqualified to be an Airport Authority Commissioner and should step down immediately. Any honorable person would have stepped down already.

During public comment, an obviously ignorant person decided we needed to hear a sermon, and said we were not “lost sheep” but instead were “Wild Animals” that needed to quit bothering the airport board so the chairman could stay as a commissioner because the law needed changed. He also said their church prayed for us to see the light and to leave the airport alone.

The good news, is that he acknowledged the law needs changed – which, by that admission, also means he knows the chairman is violating the law. Why would he then attack the people wanting the law upheld, and leave the lawbreaker alone? I suggest he attend his church to repent and ask forgiveness for his false accusations, and have his church pray the Airport Authority Chairman resign immediately as he is currently in violation of the law – the Airport Authorities Act.

This is a continuing issue of the Board Chairman, Dan Kietzmann, being statutorily disqualified (Illinois law prohibits his appointment) from being appointed to any Airport Authority Board. The board attorney claims they are following the law by allowing the lawbreaking to continue.

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  • A. Lincoln
    Posted at 17:27h, 18 September

    My, oh, my! Who knew Vermillion County had such a treasure trove of Rhodes scholars? And, even better, they work for the government. Just like in Springfield.

  • Dave
    Posted at 15:31h, 18 September

    So that obviously ignorant person thinks the law is subservient to his/her “opinion” . Its debatable whether or not the law needs changed, what isn’t debatable is we are a country and state of laws…. and ruled by rule of LAW, not by man.. Certainly Not by the opinion of an ignorant individual. Where is the state’s attorney on this cut dried issue??? Airport Authority Chairman, you should resign, it is dictatorial for you to turn a blind eye to the law.

    Wow, You really can’t make this stuff up!

  • Elizabeth Gruber
    Posted at 15:14h, 18 September

    Wish I had been there so I could BAAA BAAA
