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March 3, 2025

NECAS coming into compliance with Open Meetings Act –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 25, 2018


The Northern Edgar County Ambulance Service, a public body created thru Intergovernmental Agreements, has posted the agenda for Thursday’s meeting.

It now appears they are wanting to comply with the Open Meetings Act for this meeting (and hopefully future meetings), and to “reaffirm” or redo some things they had taken action on during past meetings which may not have complied with the law.

After the August 2018 meeting, I filed three complaints with the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor, and later agreed the complaints against NECAS could be closed without further action once the NECAS understood its requirements under the Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act.

We understand they are now aware of the requirement to record, by audio or video, all closed sessions (generally referred to as executive sessions).

We look forward to this Thursday’s meeting where it appears action will be taken on numerous items that are clearly marked for action on the agenda.

Item number 8 (e) is the only item we believe is not specific enough on this agenda. It doesn’t tell anyone what they plan on voting on.

Read agenda below or (click here).

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1 Comment
  • Dave
    Posted at 10:37h, 25 September

    There is hope for them, at least now they seem to understand the law and they took a rational action.
