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March 3, 2025

Ford County Board hears public comment- 9-10-2018

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 13, 2018


The Ford County Board heard public comment during its monthly meeting. Most comments centered around wind farms and how they affect rural property owners.

Video below:

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  • R. Carl Bodine
    Posted at 10:34h, 11 August

    I just can’t help thinking of a couple of Bible verses when I see a certain board member. How about these two: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and what measure you measure out you will receive back. To the one board member who claims Christ (I don’t know about any others), sir, do you not realize God’s word says He will not be mocked? His word will come true. By not listening to concerns, and failing to act on behalf of the poor, small people who need protection from corporate thieves, you mock God. Your season of reaping will come if you don’t repent. That’s all I have to say. Yes, this is very much a moral issue in the end.

  • jannie
    Posted at 17:43h, 13 September

    I wish the homeowners good luck. I know of people who have had to abandon their homes. Also, if you drive in Livingston County, IL (near Lena) there are homes, but they sure look empty. The smart wind people buy them up, but don’t demolish.
    When you ask how many jobs (after construction – which are subsidized by our tax $) most of the town officials don’t have clue.
    And, I’ve been at town mtgs. where the councilman couldn’t understand why he couldn’t vote – (well, the lawyer for the town said it was because he had a contract to lease his land to the wind company) duh.
