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March 12, 2025

Financially struggling NECAS doles out pay raises to 3 EMTs –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On September 2, 2018


During the July 24, 2018, Northern Edgar County Ambulance Service board meeting, the board voted to increase the pay, thru “shift wages,” of three EMTs:

  • David Craig $600 per week
  • Tommy Elliot $500 per week
  • Vickey Johnson $450 per week

It was a unanimous vote.

The problem is this vote and these pay increases are invalid since the agenda did not list any action items pertaining to pay or pay increases. It is a violation of the Open Meetings Act to take action on items not listed on the meeting agenda for action.


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1 Comment
  • jannie
    Posted at 11:02h, 02 September

    Wow is that a poor agenda – the public wouldn’t know what they were going to talk about just old business and new business. In our county it was sneaky regarding an issue that was Discussion Only – the director subsequently did the action — the public body proved to the PAC that they didn’t vote on the item I question – although it was done — because as the FOIA stated the Ex. Dir. decided to do it. There was nothing in the minutes that showed it’d been voted on. Some of these Boards are really sneaky. Go figure – The Attorney General Office accepted their explanation and said they hadn’t violated the Open Mtg. Act. A functional bldg. was contracted to be demolished by the Ex. Dir.
