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Video: Watchdogs, Coles County Taxpayers discuss commercial assessment issues –

By John Kraft & Kirk Allen

On August 4, 2018


In the below video, we discuss the commercial assessment issues in Coles County with two of the Concerned Taxpayers of Coles County:

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  • Robin
    Posted at 23:20h, 26 May

    I am one of those Coles County taxpayers who is madder than hell. We are closing on our property this week. Not only are we getting the hell out of dodge, but we are planning on leaving the state in the next couple of years. We’ve had it with the corruption at all levels of government and being taxed out the wazoo. Someone needs to investigate all the crooks in the county.

  • Taxpayer
    Posted at 08:15h, 06 August

    The total taxes collected for the County will remain the same which would mean that the residential taxes would decrease. The commercial property owners don’t mention this, or the fact that commercial property had not been reassessed for over a decade.

    • jmkraft
      Posted at 09:10h, 06 August

      The annual report submitted by the county each and every year for the past 20 years has been sworn to under penalty of perjury to be a true and correct assessment of real estate in the county.

      Are you accusing the Supervisor of Assessment’s Office of committing perjury? If so, let’s prosecute them!

      It sure sounds like you are 🙂
